The following cmavo are discussed in this section:
In the same way, ``ki'o'' can be used after ``pi'' to divide fractions
into groups of three:
The following cmavo are discussed in this section:
Numbers can have any of these digit, punctuation, and special-number
cmavo of Sections 2, 3, and 4 in any combination:
The special numbers ``pai'' and ``te'o'' are mathematically important, which
is why they are given their own cmavo:
It is possible, of course, that some of these ``oddities'' do have a
meaningful use in some restricted area of mathematics. A mathematician
appropriating these structures for specialized use needs to consider
whether some other branch of mathematics would use the structure differently.
More information on numbers may be found in Sections 8 to 12.
The following cmavo are discussed in this section:
Of course, it is legal to have complex mekso on both sides of ``du'':
Is the Lojban version of Example 5.7 true? No! ``'' is indeed 23,
because the usual conventions of mathematics state that multiplication takes
precedence over addition; that is, the multiplication ``'' is done first,
giving 20, and only then the addition ``''. But VUhU operators by
default are done left to right, like other Lojban grouping, and so a truthful
bridi would be:
The following cmavo are discussed in this section:
Here is a partial list of selbri useful in mathematical bridi:
Lojban bridi can have only one predicate, so the ``du'' is not repeated.
As usual in Lojban, negated bridi say what is false, and do not say anything
about what might be true.
The following cmavo are discussed in this section:
1. Introductory
2. Lojban numbers
pa PA 1
re PA 2
ci PA 3
vo PA 4
mu PA 5
xa PA 6
ze PA 7
bi PA 8
so PA 9
no PA 0
2.1) pa re ci
one two three
one hundred and twenty three
2.2) pa no
one zero
2.3) pa re ci vo mu xa ze bi so no
one two three four five six seven eight nine zero
one billion, two hundred and thirty-four million,
five hundred and sixty-seven thousand,
eight hundred and ninety.
3. Signs and numerical punctuation
ma'u PA positive sign
ni'u PA negative sign
pi PA decimal point
fi'u PA fraction slash
ra'e PA repeating decimal
ce'i PA percent sign
ki'o PA comma between digits
3.1) ni'u pa
negative-sign 1
3.2) ci pi pa vo pa mu
three point one four one five
3.3) re fi'u ze
two fraction seven
3.4) fi'u ze
fraction seven
3.5) pi ci mu ra'e pa vo re bi mu ze
point three five repeating one four two eight five seven
3.6) ci mu ce'i
three five percent
3.7) pa ki'o re ci vo ki'o mu xa ze
one comma two three four comma five six seven
3.8) pa ki'o re ci ki'o vo
one comma two three comma four
3.9) pi ki'o re re
point comma two two
3.9) pi pa ki'o pa re ki'o pa
point one comma one two comma one
4. Special numbers
ci'i PA infinity
ka'o PA imaginary i, sqrt(-1)
pai PA pi (approx )
te'o PA exponential e (approx )
fi'u PA golden ratio, phi,
(1 + sqrt(5))/2 (approx. )
4.1) ma'u ci'i
4.2) ci ka'o re
(a complex number equivalent to ``'')
4.3) ci'i no
infinity zero
(a transfinite cardinal)
4.4) pai
4.5) te'o
4.6) pa pi re pi ci
4.5) pa ni'u re
1 negative-sign 2
5. Simple infix expressions and equations
du GOhA equals
su'i VUhU plus
vu'u VUhU minus
pi'i VUhU times
te'a VUhU raised to the power
ny. BY letter ``n''
vei VEI left parenthesis
ve'o VEhO right parenthesis
5.1) li pa su'i pa du li re
the-number one plus one equals the-number two.
5.2) le ci prenu
the three persons
requires no ``li'' article, because the ``ci'' is being used to specify the
number of ``prenu''. However, the sentence
5.3) levi sfani cu grake li ci
this fly masses-in-grams the-number three
This fly has a mass of 3 grams.
5.4) li ci prenu
the-number 3 is-a-person
which is grammatical but nonsensical: numbers are not persons.
5.5) li ma'u pa su'i ni'u pa
du li no
the-number positive-sign one plus negative-sign one
equals the-number zero
5.6) li mu su'i pa
du li ci su'i ci
the-number five plus one
equals the-number three plus three
5.7) li ci su'i vo pi'i mu
du li reci
the-number three plus four times five
equals the-number two-three
5.8) li ci su'i vo pi'i mu
du li cimu
the-number three plus four times five
equals the-number three-five
5.9) li ci su'i vo bi'e pi'i mu
du li reci
the-number three plus four-times-five
equals the-number two-three
is a truthful Lojban bridi. If more than one operator has a ``bi'e''
prefix, grouping is to the right; multiple ``bi'e'' prefixes on a single
operator are not allowed.
5.10) li vei ny. su'i pa ve'o pi'i vei ny. su'i pa [ve'o]
du li ny. [bi'e] te'a re su'i re bi'e pi'i ny. su'i pa
the-number ( ``n'' plus one ) times ( ``n'' plus one )
equals the-number n-power-two plus two-times-``n'' plus 1
6. Forethought operators (Polish notation, functions)
boi BOI numeral/lerfu string terminator
va'a VUhU negation/additive inverse
pe'o PEhO forethought flag
ku'e KUhE forethought terminator
py. BY letter ``p''
xy. BY letter ``x''
zy. BY letter ``z''
ma'o MAhO convert operand to operator
fy. BY letter ``f''
6.1) li su'i paboi reboi ci[boi] du li xa
the-number the-sum-of one two three equals the-number six
6.2) li py. su'i va'a ny. ku'e su'i zy du li xy.
the-number ``p'' plus negative-of( ``n'' ) plus ``z''
equals the-number ``x''
where we know that ``va'a'' is a forethought operator because there is no
operand preceding it.
6.3) li zy du li ma'o fy.boi xy.
the-number z equals the-number the-operator f x
6.4) li pe'o su'i paboi reboi ciboi ku'e du li xa
6.5) li py. su'i pe'o va'a ny. ku'e su'i zy du li xy.
6.6) li zy du li pe'o ma'o fy.boi xy. ku'e
7. Other useful selbri for mekso bridi
7.1) li xy. mleca li mu
the-number x is-less-than the-number 5
du x1 is identical to x2, x3, x4,
7.2) py. du xy.boi zy.
``p'' is-identical-to ``x'' ``z''
7.3) li re su'i re na du li mu
the-number 2 + 2 is-not equal-to the-number 5.
8. Indefinite numbers
ro PA all
so'a PA almost all
so'e PA most
so'i PA many
so'o PA several
so'u PA a few
no'o PA the typical number of
da'a PA all but (one) of
piro PA+PA the whole of/all of
piso'a PA+PA almost the whole of
piso'e PA+PA most of
piso'i PA+PA much of
piso'o PA+PA a small part of
piso'u PA+PA a tiny part of
pino'o PA+PA the typical portion of
rau PA enough
du'e PA too many
mo'a PA too few
pirau PA+PA enough of
pidu'e PA+PA too much of
pimo'a PA+PA too little of
8.1) mi catlu pa prenu
I look-at one person
8.2) mi catlu ro prenu
I look-at all persons
Example 8.1 might be true, whereas Example 8.2 is almost certainly false.
8.3) mi catlu so'a prenu
I look-at almost-all persons
8.4) mi catlu so'e prenu
I look-at most persons
8.5) mi catlu so'i prenu
I look-at many persons
8.6) mi catlu so'o prenu
I look-at several persons
8.7) mi catlu so'u prenu
I look-at a-few persons
8.8) mi citka piro lei nanba
I eat the-whole-of the-mass-of bread