Lojban-logo Lojban: det logiska språket Lojban-logo

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A Lojban Beginners' Course

This set of lessons aims to give a basic grounding in the constructed language Lojban. If you don't know what Lojban is, or would like to know more about the language before learning it, you can read my introductory essay or visit the main Lojban site.

This course is not an official publication of the Logical Language Group, and any shortcomings are my own. However, I would like to thank the members of the Lojban community, particularly Nora LeChevalier, for corrections and suggestions. Lessons are added to this site as they are written and proofread; you can also find drafts of other lessons by typing in URLs like www.bilkent.edu.tr/~robin/lesson*.html , where * is the number of the lesson. However, you read the drafts entirely at your own risk; they may contain typos, bad explanations and even bad Lojban - nobody's perfect! There will be about 12 lessons when the course is complete.

OK, that's enough boring stuff, let's learn some Lojban ....


Robin Turner, 1999. All material on these pages may be freely copied, distributed or translated providing that this agreement is included.

Senast modifierad: Mon Jun 27 23:11:18 PDT 2005

Please contact us with any comments, suggestions or concerns.