How You Can Help
Here is a brief list of some of the ways you can make
an important contribution to the Lojban languauge! In some
cases, a certain facility with Lojban is needed, but some
projects can make use of anyone who has spare time.
For Anyone
You could contact one of the Lojbanic
Project leaders about helping out with what they are
working on.
Similarily, you could volunteer for one of the LLG Committees.
You could contribute to the jbovlaste dictionary
interface by commenting on definitions you see there.
In particular, many of the definitions were more-or-less
computer generated, and are badly written or strange or just
incorrect. Commenting on these, or entering competing
definitions of your own, will help speed the proccess of
cleaning these up.
You could participate in the various Lojbanic
For Those Comfortable With Lojban
One of the most-needed things for experienced lojbanists to
do is to engage in orignal writing. Short stories (or long
stories!), poetry, non-fiction, whatever. Please make sure
to let us know what you've created!
You could contribute to the jbovlaste dictionary
interface by adding new lujvo or fu'ivla. You could
also translate some definition into one of the many, many
languages that jbovlaste supports.
You could translate something you find interesting into
lojban. You might want to look at the
Translations Wiki for ideas of what to help with.
You could record samples of you speaking and upload
them to the Files Wiki. Please post to the main list
saying that you've done so!
Last modified: Mon Jun 27 23:09:59 PDT 2005
Please contact us
with any comments, suggestions or concerns.