Lojban-logo Lojban: det logiska språket Lojban-logo

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Lojban Brochures


John Cowan has made the so-called "Level -2" package, one page (double-sided) flyer suitable for handing out at conventions an the like. This flyer requires nothing more than a double-sided printer.

Jay Kominek has made another one page (double-sided) flyer which is prettier than John Cowan's but has the disadvantage of requiring folding.

Lojban Introductory Brochure

The basic Lojban introductory brochure is available in the following languages:

Other Brochure Related Files

These versions are not all equally up-to-date, as we have few resources for any language but English, but they are substantially equivalent. In case of doubt, the English version is the most correct.

Senast modifierad: Mon Jun 27 23:12:07 PDT 2005

Please contact us with any comments, suggestions or concerns.