Five files of text and discussion thereof, extracted from 1994 Lojban List traffic, may be found in 1994m1.txt, 1994m2.txt, 1994m3.txt, 1994m4.txt, and 1994m5.txt. This was the first year when significant amounts of interactive Lojban text were posted by Lojbanists other than Nick Nicholas, Lojbab, or people taught directly by Lojbab.
A compendium of the results from runnings of the "phone game" a chain letter of translations between Lojban and English with humorous distortions at each step.
A 3-book set of poetry, by Michael Helsem, may be found in cukta1.html, cukta2.html, and cukta3.html. English translations will be found in book1.html, book2.html, and book3.html.
This directory contains many files generated by contributors to the ckafybarja project, an attempt to get many Lojbanists writing creatively in a common setting. See the directory for a complete list of files, but there are texts here from Nick Nicholas, Mark Shoulson, Veijo Vilva, David Bowen, Jorge Llambias, Iain Alexander, Floren Dupont de Dinechin, and Goran Topic (thereby representing 7 different countries and 5 different native languages among the authors). A series of files with names starting with C1 and C2 are glosser inputs (.txt) and outputs (.glo) for several of the texts.
This is Lojbab's full text and text discussion archive (which is actually only complete up until around 1993).
Last modified: Mon Jun 27 23:11:39 PDT 2005
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