This mini-lesson is expected to become a mainstay of our introductory package for Lojban. At this posting we already have people committed to translate this into Esperanto and Swedish, and other language versions are expected to follow.
We are interested in comments on the readability and understandability of this material. We especially want people to go through it, and then to try the exercises at the end, so we can determine whether the lesson teaches the material and whether the exercises are appropriate and within the capability of the student. We want responses from both active Lojbanists and people who have not seen any of our material before.
We are interested in more than just corrections of typos—we want to know what you understood, and what needs more explanation. LLG will commit to providing individual responses to all questions generated from this draft circulation, and will provide an commented answer key to anyone who returns a completed response (please allow a little time for these responses—we have no idea how much volume is to be generated). For our benefit, if you do the exercises. please let us know whether you did them as you went along, or after reading the entire lesson text, and also give us a rough idea how much time the entire lesson took.
Of course this may cause reviewers to become more interested in learning Lojban, and we certainly would not object to that. Contact LLG at the address above for more information.
(Note: There are exercises at the end of the lesson for each section. You may do these exercises as you go along, or wait until you complete the entire lesson.)
"John is the father of Sam" "John hugs Sam" and "John is taller than Sam"These all describe relationships between John and Sam. However, in English, we use a noun to describe a static relationship (1), a verb to describe an active relationship (2) and an adjective to describe an attributive relationship (3). In Lojban we make no such grammatical distinctions; these three sentences, when expressed in Lojban, are grammatically identical. The same part of speech is used to represent the relationship. In formal logic this whole structure is called a predicate; in Lojban it is called a "bridi", and the central part of speech is the "selbri". Logicians refer to the things thus related as arguments, while Lojbanists call them "sumti". These Lojban terms will be used for the rest of the lesson.
bridi (predicate) ______________|_______________ | | John is the uncle of Sam |____| |_______________| |___| | | | sumti selbri sumti (argument)
John gives Sam the book.
and Sam gives John the
mean two different things because the relative positions of
"John" and "Sam" have been switched.
Further, The book gives John Sam.
strange to us merely because the places are being filled by unorthodox
arguments. The relationship expressed by "give" has not changed.
In Lojban, a given selbri has a specified number of arguments. The simplest selbri consists of a single root word, called a "gismu", and the definition in a gismu word-list gives the place structure explicitly. The primary task of constructing a Lojban sentence, after choosing the relationship itself, is deciding what you will use to fill in the sumti places.
Twelve consonants in Lojban are pronounced more or less as their counterparts are in English: "b", "d", "f", "k", "l", "m", "n", "p", "r", "t", "v" and "z". The "c", on the other hand is pronounced as the "sh" in "hush", while "j" is its 'voiced' counterpart, the sound of the "s" in "pleasure". "g" is always hard as it is in "gift", never as in "giant". "s" is as in "sell", never as in "rose". The sound of "x" is not found in English; it is like 'breathing through' a "k". It is found as "ch" in Scottish "loch", as Spanish "j", and as "ch" in some dialects of German. It gets easier to say as you practice it. "r" can be trilled, but doesn't have to be.
Lojban also has three 'semi-letters': the period, the comma and the apostrophe. The period represents a glottal stop or a pause; it is a required stoppage of the flow of air in the speech stream. The apostrophe sounds just like the English letter "h". Unlike a regular consonant, it is not found at the beginning or end of a word, nor is it found adjacent to a consonant; it is only found between two vowels. The comma has no sound associated with it, and is used to separate syllables that might ordinarily run together. It is only found inside names taken from other languages (it helps preserve the original sound of a name).
Stress falls on the next to the last syllable of all words, except if that vowel is 'y', which is never stressed; in such words the third-to-last syllable is stressed. If a word only has one syllable, then that syllable is not stressed.
__x1__ talks to
__x2__ about
__x3__ in language __x4__
This bridi will
then have the form __x1__ tavla
__x3__ __x4__
For example: mi tavla do zo'e zo'e
means I talk to you about something in some language.
do tavla mi ta zo'e means You talk to me about that thing in a
mi tavla zo'e tu ti means I talk to someone about that thing
yonder in this language.
ta tavla ma mi zo'e means That person talks to who(?) about me in
some language. or Who is that
person talking to about me?
mi tavla do means I talk to you.
do tavla mi means You talk to me.
da tavla ta means Someone talks to that person.
do tavla zo'e mi means You are talking about me.
zo'e tavla mi do means Someone talks to me about you.
mi tavla do ti I talk
to you
about this. mi do tavla ti I, to you,
talk about this. and mi do ti tavla I,
to you, about this, talk.
all represent the
same relationship. The important thing is that the order of the sumti has not changed. These variations similarly
apply to selbri with
different numbers of sumti.
tavla do ti I talk to you about this.
has the same meaning as do se tavla
mi ti You are talked to by me about this.
The operator
used in the same place, switches the meanings of the first and the third
sumti places. mi tavla
do ti I talk to you about this.
has the same meaning
as ti te tavla do mi This is
talked about to you by me.
Note that only the first and third
sumti have switched places; the second sumti has remained in the second place.
The operators "ve" and "xe" switch the first and fourth sumti places, and the first and fifth sumti places, respectively.
More than one of these operators may be used on a given selbri at one time, and in such a case they are evaluated from left to right. However, in practice they are used one at a time, as there are better tools for complex manipulation of the sumti places.
Specifically, the meaning of the first place of the first word is what modifies the next word: "sutra tavla" means "__x1__ is a fast-thing type of talker to __x2__ about __x3__ in language __x4__".
When three or more gismu are in a row, the first modifies the second, and that combined meaning modifies the third, and that combined meaning modifies the fourth, and so on. For example, "sutra tavla cutci" means "__x1__ is a fast-talker type of shoe (for __x2__ of material __x3__)". That is, it is a shoe that is worn by a fast talker rather than a shoe that is fast and is also worn by a talker.
(Note that the double underline in examples marks the selbri, while each single underline marks a sumti. This notation is only for clarifying the sentence structure and is not a part of the language.)
mi tavla do le tavla -- ===== -- -------- means I talk to you about the talkerSimilarly "le sutra tavla" is "the fast talker", and "le sutra te tavla" is "the fast subject of talk" or "the subject of fast talk". (Which of these related meanings is understood will depend on the context in which the expression is used. The most plausible interpretation within the context will generally be assumed by a listener to be the intended one.)
le sutra tavla means the fast talker -------------- le sutra cu tavla means The fast one is talking. -------- ===== le sutra se tavla means The fast talked-to one. ----------------- le sutra cu se tavla means The fast one is talked to. -------- ========"cu" is always assumed to be in front of the selbri. It may be elided (left out) if this will not alter the grammar of the sentence, as in "mi cu tavla do".
Remember that a comma without spaces around it in the middle of a name can be used to separate syllables that would ordinarily be run together in Lojban.
To convert a Lojbanized name into a sumti, use the article "la". "la djan." is "the one called John". For obvious reasons, the letter sequence "la" may not occur inside any name. Likewise, "doi" may not appear in a name, for reasons that will be obvious in the following section. (If a name would use either of these two sound patterns, it must be changed, perhaps to use "ly" or "le", "do'i" or "dei" instead.)
If you say "do tavla", it means "you are talking". For the imperative in Lojban, the word "ko" is substituted for "do". The phrase "ko tavla" instructs the listener to do whatever is necessary to make "do tavla" true. For example:
ko tavla means Talk. -- ===== ko sutra means Be fast. -- ===== mi tavla ko means Be talked to by me. -- ===== -- or Let me talk to you."ko" can fill any appropriate sumti place, and can be used as often as is appropriate for the selbri: "ko kurji ko" and "ko ko kurji" both mean "You take care of you" and "Be taken care of by you", or to put it colloquially, "Take care of yourself".
coi. djan. means Hello, John. co'o. djan. means Good-bye, John.
Some attitudinals are:
Lojban English attitude Ejaculations and other English used to express these attitudes ______ ________________ _______________________________ .a'o hope hopefully, I hope .e'o request, petition, please!, get it done! command (with rank) .iu love, endearment, affection .oi complaint, discomfort Oy!, Ouch! .ua discovery Eureka! .ui happy, cheerful Whee! .uu pity, compassion Aww!Attitudinals represent scales of emotion, and there are some indicators available to show where on the scale you are:
cai intense or absolute .iucai intense love extreme feeling sai strong feeling .iusai strong love ru'e weak or mild feeling .iuru'e mild love cu'i indifference .iucu'i "no love lost" nai single word negator .iunai hate, enmity naicai intense opposite .iunaicai intense hate naisai strong opposite .iunaisai strong hatred nairu'e mild or weak opposite .iunairu'e mild hatred
Intensity indicators may stand on their own, indicating intensity of emotion while leaving the emotion unspecified, or they may be used to modify another attitudinal, but they will only modify the word immediately to the left. Thus ".a'o.uu" expresses hope mixed with pity, but ".a'o.uucai" expresses "hope mixed with intense pity", not "intense hope mixed with intense pity". (Note that, unlike in a selbri, attitudinals do not modify each other in any strict order, but are mixed. If multiple emotions are indicated, the one that the speaker wants most to express usually comes first.)
xu do tavla mi means Is it true that you are talking to me? -- ===== -- do xu tavla mi means Are you the one talking to me? -- ===== -- do tavla xu mi means Talking to me? Is that what you're doing? -- ===== -- do tavla mi xu means Is it me you are talking to? -- ===== --An affirmative answer may be given by simply restating the bridi. Lojban has a shorthand for doing this with the word "go'i". This word stands for the whole bridi and assumes the values represented by the sumti are unchanged unless you specifically replace them. Instead of a negative answer, the bridi may be restated in such a way as to make it true. If this can be done by substituting sumti, it may be done with "go'i" as well.
question: xu do kanro Are you healthy? answer: mi kanro I am healthy. or: go'i I am healthy. ("do" to the questioner is "mi" to the respondent) or: le tavla cu kanro The talker is healthy. or: le tavla cu go'i The talker is healthy.A general negative answer may be given by "na go'i". "na" may be placed before any selbri (but after the "cu"). It is equivalent to stating "It is not true that ..." before the bridi. It does not imply that anything else is true or untrue, only that that specific bridi is not true.
When two or more brivla are strung together in a selbri or a sumti, the combination is called a "tanru". A tanru may also have "se"-type operators as well as brivla in it, as well as some other features not yet covered.
The little words that are not brivla, and usually indicate grammatical structure are called "cmavo". The cmavo also include the attitudinals and short sumti like "mi" and "do".
romoi galfi ca Mon Jun 27 23:10:50 PDT 2005
Please contact us with any comments, suggestions or concerns.