Level 0 Book: What is Lojban?
What is Lojban? Now Available For Purchase!
General Information
We, the Logical Language Group, are proud to announce the publication of our
new book, "What is Lojban? / .i la lojban. mo". The book is the work of many
hands, but the editors are Nick Nicholas and John Cowan. It is intended as a
concise introduction to Lojban, providing a taste of the language for those who
may decide to take an interest in it.
Purchasing Information
The ISBN is 0-9660283-1-7; the book is distributed in the U.S. by
Lightning Source, which means that any bookstore can order it.
It is available from
The book is a paperback, about 8-1/3 by 6-1/2 inches (212 mm by
165 mm). The list price is US$10.00.
European Websites Selling What is Lojban?
This list was graciously provided by Martin Norbäck
Detailed Information
Here is a precis of the book's sections:
The Introduction is structured as questions and answers,
and provides basic information on the language and its
purposes, its overall structure, its relationship to other
languages, its history, and contact information for the
Logical Language Group and the Lojban community.
The Overview of Lojban Grammar is a grammar sketch,
with information on phonology, morphology, and syntax,
including a detailed explanation of the various Lojban
technical terms used in descriptions of the language.
The Diagrammed Grammar Summary goes into more detail about
the syntax, with lots of examples and a glossary explaining
the words used in the examples.
The Linguistic Issues section consists of more questions and
answers of a more technical linguistic nature, including
some discussions of Lojban's possible interest as an
experimental linguistics testbed.
The Lojban Sample Texts are four short pieces with
detailed glosses and smooth translations, illustrating
original Lojban poetry, dialogue, and one of Aesop's fables
translated from Greek.
Finally, the Complete Pronunciation Guide explains the
pronunciation of Lojban using both IPA and natural-language
examples: examples are given in Arabic, Chinese, Hindi/Urdu,
Russian, and Spanish.
Downloading What is Lojban?
Last modified: Mon Jun 27 23:10:47 PDT 2005
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