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Draft Dictionary And Related Files


This directory contains draft material for the forthcoming Lojban-English/English-Lojban dictionary (expected out in late 2000 or 2001).

A draft version of the English-Lojban version of the gismu (engdict.gis - 2.1 Meg) is available. This can be downloaded as a zipped file (engdict.zip - 556K). Nora LeChevalier's working lujvo-list with place structures is also available (noralujv.txt - 790K)


This directory contains temporary and unofficial dictionary information in TeX and PostScript formats. Here is the README (dict.README) file. For other files, please browse the directory.


This directory contains the latest compendium of working files being used in creating the Lojban dictionary. Among the archives are:

Senast modifierad: Mon Jun 27 23:10:40 PDT 2005

Please contact us with any comments, suggestions or concerns.