Each gismu is exactly five letters long, and
has one of two consonant-vowel patterns: CVCCV
(e.g. rafsi or bridi). The gismu are built
so as to minimize listening errors in a noisy environment. A gismu has at least two combining forms, known as rafsi. One is the gismu
itself; one is the gismu with the final vowel
deleted. Certain gismu have additional, shorter
rafsi assigned. Up to three of these shorter rafsi may be assigned to a gismu, depending on frequency of usage of the gismu in building complex concepts and on
availability of these shorter rafsi. Short rafsi use only certain combinations of letters from
the gismu, and are of the forms
, and CVV
The list of Lojban root words (gismu) contains about 1350 words. Included in the list are around 50 structure words (cmavo) that have assigned affixes (rafsi).
Each definition contains the following elements:
A sample definition:
Last modified: Mon Jun 27 23:13:40 PDT 2005
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