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Provisional until approved at the 2004 meeting

Minutes of the 2003 Annual Meeting of the Members of The Logical Language Group, Inc.

Session 1

The fifteenth Annual Meeting of the Members of The Logical Language Group, Inc. was called to order on June 15, 2003 at 3:06 PM PDT

Roll call was taken of the members.

Non-members in attendance at the annual meeting were:

Members attending (19) were:

Members "present" (3) by proxy:

Members not in attendance (8) were:

POINT OF ORDER: Identity checks of participants was held to be unnecessary unless and until doubt about a participant's true identity was raised

Roll call of members: Taken

22 present in person or by proxy, 8 absent. - Quorum.

Proper notice of meeting by Secretary/Treasurer was given (per Article 3, Section 4 of the Bylaws); therefore the proposed bylaw amendments may be considered.

Chair turned over to Vice President, John Cowan.

POINT OF ORDER: The parliamentary committee's request for minimal use of Lojban at the 2003 Annual General Meeting was reiterated. Those wishing translations of the 2003 AGM were directed to #penmyfanva.

[John Cowan for the record]: By common consent, the 2003 AGM is being held in the IRC Channel #meeting rather than #llg as was stated in the agenda

Reading of minutes:

By unanimous consent, the reading of the minutes was waived since the minutes had been distributed prior to the meeting.

Report of officers: Secretary/Treasurer

By unanimous consent, the reading of the Secretary/Treasurer's report was waived since it had been distributed prior to the meetingd.

Report of officers: President

By unanimous consent, the reading of the President's report was waived since it had been distributed prior to the meeting.

Report of Committees:

The Vice-President requested reports from committees which had not been distributed prior to the meeting.

[Robin Powell for the record]: there were errors in the compilation of reports:

By unanimous consent, all other committee reports were waived since they had been distributed prior to the meeting.

A brief recess was granted while the Secretary/Treasurer reset his Internet connection.

Report of Projects:

No project reports were submitted.

Consideration of new members:

Present, but not members

Qualifications, responsibilities explained. Jordan DeLong, Craig Daniel, Pierre Abbat and Jerome Desquilbet desired to be considered.

Keith Lynch left the meeting at this point, giving his proxy to Nora LeChevalier.

Election of Board of Directors:

Current Board includes

Max of 7 allowed.

Existing candidates for the Board of Directors were Jordan DeLong, Robin Powell, Charles Hope, Jay Kominek, And Rosta, Bob LeChevalier, John Cowan, and Nick Nicholas.

No new nominations were proposed.


The chair entertained suggestions for voting methods.

The chair ruled that none of the suggested methods satisfied the bylaw requirements for election of the Board of Directors. The chair ruled that elections as described on pp. 138-139 of the parliamentary manual were to be held.

Note: there was significant discussion on the issue of secret vs. open ballots. The final vote on Unfriendly Amendment A1 was 13 in favour, 6 opposed, with 5 abstentions.

The chair appointed Nora LeChevalier and Craig Daniel as tellers, without objection.

Unfinished Business:



There was much discussion regarding the potentially exclusionary nature of the motion vs. the definition of the LLG as a Lojban-promoting group. MOVED: That debate cease and a vote on the original motion take place - PASSED without objection.

The final vote was 5 in favour, 16 opposed, with 4 abstentions.

Further Lojbab:

Continuation of the Annual General Meeting:

A proposal to extend the meeting by one hour was defeated. A proposal to extend the meeting by on half-hour was defeated.

Note: a revote on the second motion was required due to confusion over the UTC times suggested for reconvening.

The 2003 Annual General Meeting was recessed until 2200 UTC on June 29th, 2003.

Session 2

The fifteenth Annual Meeting of the Members of The Logical Language Group, Inc. was called back to order on June 29, 2003 at 3:04 PM PDT

Members attending (18) were:

Members "present" (8) by proxy:

Members not in attendance (1) were:

The roll call of members was foregone by consent. 26 members present or by proxy, unknown absent - Quorum.

Old business:

There was a motion to end debate on Unfriendly Amendment A and go directly to a vote - PASSED, 17 in favour, 1 opposed, 1 abstention

Unfriendly Amendment A was passed - 15 in favour, 4 opposed, 4 abstentions

After much discussion of the amendments, the main motion passed, 18 in favour, 2 opposed, 3 abstentions


The chair noted that Virginia may take a different view from LLG on what is official, and insist on English translations of non-English bylaw changes, etc.

New Business:

The Founder role:

The chair extended his hearty congratulations to the Founders present.


The amendment to the next motion was declared to be conditional upon the passage of this motion, and so although the following motion and amendment were proposed first, they were tabled until this motion (9.D2) was addressed.

A 2 minute recess was requested for relief and consideration of the motion, due to the extent of the amendment.

At this point, Tommy Whitlock arrived at the home of Robert LeChevalier; due to limited computer access, Robert LeChevalier acted as Tommy Whitlock's "voice" from this point on in the IRC channel.

The vote passed 16 in favour, 3 opposed, 2 abstentions.

Local Lojban Groups:


Arnt Johansen noted that the wording implied a level of control over local groups by the LLG that may not be desired by those groups.

It was noted that affiliation as an Official Project carries only the obligation to present regular reports on the activities of the project, and failure to do so incurs no greater penalty than de-recognition by the LLG.

Robert LeChevalier noted that he worded the original motion to set up a separate (web) page for user groups, distinct from the project page. Also noted that LLG offers web space to all projects, so in addition to a summary web page for users groups, Local Lojbanist Groups would also be entitled to set up their own web page specific to the group.

Friendly Amendment B was withdrawn as a result of clarification of 'recognize' vs. 'reorganize' in the original motion.

A motion to commit the motion to committee to study the legality of the exchange of personal information under local laws was withdrawn in favout of Friendly Amendment A.


The final vote was 14 in favour, 7 opposed, with 6 abstentions

The final vote was 12 in favour, 2 opposed, with 5 abstentions

Since this amendment was dependent on the previous amendment, it was withdrawn when the previous amendment failed.

The final vote was 21 in favour, none opposed, with 2 abstentions

Final vote: 20 in favour, 1 opposed, no abstentions

A motion to commit this motion to committee to determine the ramifications of allowing electronic communication was defeated, 5 in favour, 14 opposed, no abstentions.

The final vote was 17 in favour, 6 opposed, no abstentions

Amendment B passed 17 in favour, 5 opposed, no abstentions

The main motion (as amended to "no blind proxies") failed with 14 in favour, 9 opposed, with no abstentions. This means that the status quo - all proxies are allowed - remains in effect.

A motion to continue the meeting past the scheduled closing time was unanimously passed.

The chair ruled that no motions not on the original agenda were to be considered at the current session (in the interests of time). This ruling was appealed and the chair's ruling was sustained by the members, 12 in favour, 6 opposed, 2 abstentions

The final vote was 17 in favour, 2 opposed, 3 abstentions

The final vote was 14 in favour, 4 opposed, 3 abstentions

Committee and project reports:

The chair ruled that voting on the issues raised in the reports could be done on the members' list, and directed Robert LeChevalier to compose and send the appropriate email.

Resignation of non-attending members:

A vote to adjourn before addressing this issue was soundly defeated at this point.

The chair directed such votes to be held on the members' list with a call for discussion, followed by a 48 hour discussion period, followed by a call for votes which must be entered within 48 hours of the call for votes. The chair directed Robert LeChevalier to compose and send the appropriate email.


MOVED: To recess until July 6, 2003 at 15:00 UTC to discuss new motions at that time - PASSED

Session 3

The fifteenth Annual Meeting of the Members of The Logical Language Group, Inc. was called back to order on July 6, 2003 at 11:00 AM EST

Roll call was taken of the members.

Members attending (13) were:

Members "present" (9) by proxy:

With 22 members present, quorum was declared by the chair.

The chair noted that Evgeny Sklyanin had resigned his membership in the LLG.

New business:

The final vote was 9 in favour, 4 opposed, 6 abstentions


Noted that the upcoming votes were not for an election, and therefore no need for secrecy was assumed. Also, that the membership acts as a legislature, and therefore secret votes are undesirable.

Electronic communications:

Motion 9G3 was opened for reconsideration and added to the email ballot.


An objection was made to adding the question to the email ballot without discussion; the motion to add this motion to the ballot passed, 10 in favour, none opposed, 5 abstentions


Results of email balloting:


Final vote was 23 in favour, 1 opposed

Final vote was 17 in favour, 5 opposed


Final vote: 20 in favour, 1 opposed

Final vote: 21 in favour, 1 opposed

Final vote: 20 in favour, 1 opposed

Final vote: 20 in favour, 2 opposed

Final vote: 20 in favour, 1 opposed

Final vote: 16 in favour, 6 opposed

Final vote: 9 in favour, 9 opposed

Final vote: 21 in favour, 1 opposed

Final vote: 21 in favour, 1 opposed

Final vote: 20 in favour, 1 opposed

Final vote: 18 in favour, 4 opposed

Final vote: 10 in favour, 9 opposed

Final vote: 18 in favour, 9 opposed


Final vote: 18 in favour, 1 opposed

Final vote: xx in favour, 1 opposed

Final vote: 18 in favour, 1 opposed

Final vote: 12 in favour, 6 opposed

Final vote: 16 in favour, 2 opposed

Final vote: 14 in favour, 3 opposed

Final vote: 18 in favour, 1 opposed

Final vote: 15 in favour, 2 opposed

Final vote: 17 in favour, 1 opposed

Final vote: 17 in favour, 1 opposed

Final vote: 11 in favour, 7 opposed

Final vote: 19 in favour, 1 opposed

Final vote: 15 in favour, 3 opposed

Final vote: 18 in favour, 3 opposed

Final vote: 16 in favour, 3 opposed

Final vote: 18 in favour, 2 opposed

Final vote: 16 in favour, 3 opposed

Final vote: 15 in favour, 4 opposed

Final vote: 13 in favour, 5 opposed

Final vote: 17 in favour, 4 opposed

Final vote: 18 in favour, 2 opposed

Final vote: 18 in favour, 2 opposed

Final vote: 14 in favour, 4 opposed

Final vote: 13 in favour, 5 opposed

Final vote: 14 in favour, 7 opposed

Final vote: 19 in favour, 2 opposed

Final vote: 4 in favour, 10 opposed

Final vote: 10 in favour, 6 opposed

Final vote: 18 in favour, 3 opposed

Final vote: 19 in favour, 2 opposed

Final vote: 14 in favour, 3 opposed

Final vote: 19 in favour, 1 opposed

Final vote: 18 in favour, 2 opposed

Final vote: 17 in favour, 2 opposed

Final vote: 16 in favour, 2 opposed

Final vote: 16 in favour, 2 opposed

Final vote: 17 in favour, 3 opposed

Final vote: 14 in favour, 5 opposed

Final vote: 16 in favour, 3 opposed

Final vote: 8 in favour, 10 opposed

Final vote: 17 in favour, 2 opposed

The fifteenth Annual Meeting of the Members of The Logical Language Group, Inc. was adjourned on July 13, 2003 at 10:28 AM UTC

Last modified: Mon Jun 27 23:12:48 PDT 2005

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