Provisional until approved at the 2004 meeting
Minutes of the 2003 Annual Meeting of the Members of The Logical Language Group, Inc.
Session 1
The fifteenth Annual Meeting of the Members of The Logical Language Group, Inc. was called to order on June 15, 2003
at 3:06 PM PDT
Roll call was taken of the members.
Non-members in attendance at the annual meeting were:
- John Clifford
- Craig Daniel
- Jordan DeLong
- Charles Reiss
- Jerome Desquilbet
- Pierre Abbat
Members attending (19) were:
- John Cowan
- Gary Burgess
- Jay Kominek
- John Hodges
- Shawn Lasseter
- Nora LeChevalier
- Robert LeChevalier
- Jorge Llambias
- Keith Lynch
- Alexandra Miles-Lasseter
- Nick Nicholas
- Paul Francis O'Sullivan
- Adam Raizen
- And Rosta
- Robin Powell
- Mark Shoulson
- Charles Hope
- Arnt Richard Johansen
- Veijo Vilva (arrived later, after roll call)
Members "present" (3) by proxy:
- Yevgeny Sklyanan to Jay Kominek (with instructions)
- David Young to Nora LeChevalier (with instructions)
- Tommy Whitlock to Robert LeChevalier (with instructions)
Members not in attendance (8) were:
- Athelstan
- Ivan Derszhanski
- Allen Bailey
- David Crowell
- Robin Turner
- David Barton
- Avitol Oliver
- David Twery
POINT OF ORDER: Identity checks of participants was held to be unnecessary unless and until doubt about a participant's true identity was raised
Roll call of members: Taken
22 present in person or by proxy, 8 absent. - Quorum.
Proper notice of meeting by Secretary/Treasurer was given (per
Article 3, Section 4 of the Bylaws); therefore the proposed bylaw amendments may
be considered.
Chair turned over to Vice President, John Cowan.
POINT OF ORDER: The parliamentary committee's request for minimal use of Lojban at the 2003 Annual General Meeting was reiterated. Those wishing translations of the 2003 AGM were directed to #penmyfanva.
[John Cowan for the record]: By common consent, the 2003 AGM is being held in the IRC Channel #meeting rather than #llg as was stated in the agenda
Reading of minutes:
By unanimous consent, the reading of the minutes was waived since the minutes had been distributed prior to the meeting.
Report of officers: Secretary/Treasurer
By unanimous consent, the reading of the Secretary/Treasurer's report was waived since it had been distributed prior to the meetingd.
Report of officers: President
By unanimous consent, the reading of the President's report was waived since it had been distributed prior to the meeting.
Report of Committees:
The Vice-President requested reports from committees which had not been distributed prior to the meeting.
- Robert LeChevalier requested a translation of Adam Raizen's predistributed committee report.
- Robert LeChevalier requested that all predistributed committee reports be compiled or distributed for the benfit of nonmembers present. Per Robin Powell: interested nonmembers will be sent the predistributed reports via email upon request.
[Robin Powell for the record]: there were errors in the compilation of reports:
- The Parliamentary Rules committee did report to the members list.
- There are both French and Esperanto versions of the front page on
- The LoveCraft Translation project, "The Book", has been completed.
By unanimous consent, all other committee reports were waived since they had been distributed prior to the meeting.
A brief recess was granted while the Secretary/Treasurer reset his Internet connection.
Report of Projects:
No project reports were submitted.
Consideration of new members:
Present, but not members
- John Clifford
- Craig Daniel
- Jordan DeLong
- Charles Reiss
- Jerome Desquilbet
- Pierre Abbat
Qualifications, responsibilities explained. Jordan DeLong, Craig Daniel, Pierre Abbat and Jerome Desquilbet desired to be considered.
Keith Lynch left the meeting at this point, giving his proxy to Nora LeChevalier.
- MOVED: To offer membership to Jordan DeLong, Craig Daniel, Pierre Abbat and Jerome Desquilbet - PASSED without objection.
- MOVED: To offer membership to Rob Speer and Gregory Dyke [not present]. - PASSED without objection
Election of Board of Directors:
Current Board includes
- Charles Hope (xod)
- John Cowan
- Shawn Lasseter
- Nick Nicholas
- Nora LeChevalier
- Robert LeChevalier
Max of 7 allowed.
Existing candidates for the Board of Directors were Jordan DeLong, Robin Powell, Charles Hope, Jay Kominek, And Rosta, Bob LeChevalier,
John Cowan, and Nick Nicholas.
No new nominations were proposed.
The chair entertained suggestions for voting methods.
The chair ruled that none of the suggested methods satisfied the bylaw requirements for
election of the Board of Directors. The chair ruled that elections as described on pp. 138-139 of the parliamentary manual were to be held.
- MOVED: To elect Robert Chevalier to the Board of Directors, satisfying the State of Virginia residency requirement of the
bylaws - PASSED without objection.
- MOVED: That votes be counted by two separate tellers (vote counters) who receive votes by private mail, count them, and
report when they agree on the results.
- Friendly Amendment A: That after the vote is tallied, the tellers will reveal who voted how - PASSED as amended by Unfriendly Amendment A1
- Unfriendly Amendment A1: That the tellers shall be required not to reveal the identities of the voters.
- Friendly Amendment B: That a vote only be considered valid if it is a single message addressed to both tellers - ACCEPTED without objection
Note: there was significant discussion on the issue of secret vs. open ballots. The final vote on Unfriendly Amendment A1 was
13 in favour, 6 opposed, with 5 abstentions.
The chair appointed Nora LeChevalier and Craig Daniel as tellers, without objection.
Unfinished Business:
- The baseline statement at was adopted as LLG policy, without objection.
- MOVED: That as of 2004 all motions, announcements, etc. would be either Lojban or bilingual -- no English-only allowed.
- The motion was divided to separate motions from minutes.
- MOVED: As of 2004, all motions and announcements are either Lojban-only or bilingual - FAILED
- Clarified by the chair: "bilingual" to mean "available in both Lojban and English, both texts being equally authentic."
- Friendly Amendment A: By 2004, all motions and announcements shall be in Lojban, with an English translation at the option of the chair
and secretary, respectively, depending on whose purview the document is under, but the Lojban being the authoritative version - WITHDRAWN
- MOVED: Starting with the annual meeting in 2004, meeting minutes shall be written in or translated into Lojban - TABLED without objection.
There was much discussion regarding the potentially exclusionary nature of the motion vs. the definition of the LLG as a
Lojban-promoting group. MOVED: That debate cease and a vote on the original motion take place - PASSED without objection.
The final vote was 5 in favour, 16 opposed, with 4 abstentions.
Further Lojbab:
- MOVED: Starting with the annual meeting in 2005, Lojban shall be the preferred language during member and board meetings,
and with translation into English and other languages on request.
- MOVED: That the above motion be postponed indefinitely - PASSED without objection.
Continuation of the Annual General Meeting:
A proposal to extend the meeting by one hour was defeated. A proposal to extend the meeting by on half-hour was defeated.
- MOVED: That the 2003 Annual General Meeting continue by IRC (the alternative being a recess until Logfest) - PASSED
- The final vote was 19 in favour, none opposed, with 4 abstentions.
- MOVED: That the 2003 Annual General Meeting recess until 2200 UTC on June 29th, 2003 - PASSED
- The final vote was 8 in favour, 6 opposed, with 6 abstentions.
Note: a revote on the second motion was required due to confusion over the UTC times suggested for reconvening.
The 2003 Annual General Meeting was recessed until 2200 UTC on June 29th, 2003.
Session 2
The fifteenth Annual Meeting of the Members of The Logical Language Group, Inc. was called back to order on June 29, 2003
at 3:04 PM PDT
Members attending (18) were:
- Craig Daniel
- John Hodges
- Nora LeChevalier
- Pierre Abbat
- Robert LeChevalier
- Robin Powell
- Paul Francis O'Sullivan
- And Rosta
- Adam Raizen
- Mark Shoulson
- Nick Nicholas
- Jorge Llambias
- Jay Kominek
- Arnt Johansen
- John Cowan
- Robin Turner
- Veijo Vilva
- Gary Burgess
- Rob Speer
Members "present" (8) by proxy:
- Tommy Whitlock to Robert LeChevalier
- Charles Hope to Nick Nicholas
- David Young to Nora LeChevalier
- Keith Lynch to Nora LeChevalier
- Gregory Dyke to And Rosta
- Jordan DeLong to Jay Kominek
- Yevgeny Sklyanan to Jay Kominek
- Jerome Desquilbet to Robin Powell
Members not in attendance (1) were:
The roll call of members was foregone by consent. 26 members present or by proxy,
absent - Quorum.
Old business:
- MOVED: That meetings be bilingual, but motions and amendments be recorded in
lojban (which does not preclude motions and amendments also being recorded
in English). This is the second part of the divided motion from Session 1 - PASSED
- Unfriendly Amendment A: In case of conflict, the original version of the motion
and/or amendment (whichever language it is) shall be official - PASSED
- Friendly Amendment B: The mover is responsible for the translation of their motions
and amendments into lojban - PASSED without objection
- Friendly Amendment C: Meetings are omnilingual, the mover of a main motion or amendment is
responsible for having it translated into lojban, possibly through an intermediate language,
and the original language version of the main motion and amendments shall be the official
It does not appear that this amendment was ever voted on or passed w/o objection
There was a motion to end debate on Unfriendly Amendment A and go directly
to a vote - PASSED, 17 in favour, 1 opposed, 1 abstention
Unfriendly Amendment A was passed - 15 in favour, 4 opposed, 4 abstentions
After much discussion of the amendments, the main motion passed, 18 in favour, 2 opposed, 3 abstentions
The chair noted that Virginia may take a different view from LLG on what is
official, and insist on English translations of non-English bylaw changes, etc.
New Business:
The Founder role:
- MOVED: That the honorary position of Founder
be awarded to Jeff Taylor, Robert LeChevalier,
Nora LeChevalier, John Clifford, and Tommy Whitlock, who may so sign LLG
communications channels, such as the LLG official journal and members'
list. This shall not confer voting privileges on the board or as
members. While the Founders are free to
articulate their vision and opinions, and to enjoy moral authority, the
final decision-making power remains in the hands of the board and the
membership. In particular, the founders do not usurp the president's
role of representing the board, the membership, and the language
community in general in public communications - PASSED by acclamation
- Friendly Amendment: The LLG will engage in separate negotiations with
each of the Founders to negotiate a role for the Founder that will be of
the greatest mutual benefit - PASSED without objection
The chair extended his hearty congratulations to the Founders present.
- MOVED: That any efforts by individuals or groups to develop a new language
or version of the existing language other than under the direct auspices
of the byfy is specifically disowned by LLG and shall not be
associated with LLG - PASSED without objection
- Friendly Amendment: That membership in such an effort does not disqualify
one from membership in the LLG or the BPFK - PASSED without objection
The amendment to the next motion was declared to be conditional upon the passage of this motion,
and so although the following motion and amendment were proposed first, they were tabled until this motion (9.D2) was addressed.
- MOVED: That LLG could support a quasi-independent official project that would be looking
at the generic design problems of loglans (i.e. logical languages) from a theoretical
standpoint, as well as specific suggestions for how to improve specific languages,
but that any efforts by individuals or groups to develop a new language or version
of the existing language other than under the direct auspices of the byfy is specifically
disowned by LLG and shall not be associated with LLG - PASSED
Friendly Amendment: (essentially a replacement for the above, 9.D1) - PASSED without objection
- That the LLG treat as an official project (possibly cosponsored)
a discussion forum devoted to the technical study of the design
- Lojban as it is
- Lojban as it might yet be (within the constraints of motion 9.D2)
- Lojban as it might have been
- logical languages in general, and
- other logical languages.
At any time, the Board on behalf of the members may remove the
project's official status, if the Board judges that the
project transgresses 9.D2.
[The intent here is that provisional removal of official status
would not have to wait until the AGM.]
Only the Board and Members' Meeting are arbiters of whether the
project has developed in such a way that it transgresses 9.D2.
[The intent of this clause is that anybody objecting to the
content of the project's discussions as a violation of 9.D2 will
petition the Board and/or Members' Meeting rather than disrupt
the discussions.]
A condition of the project being granted official status in
the first place is that if the official status is subsequently
rescinded then the project (or its offshoots) makes clear its
dissociation from the LLG and makes no claim on the name 'Lojban'.
A 2 minute recess was requested for relief and consideration of the motion, due to the extent of the amendment.
At this point, Tommy Whitlock arrived at the home of Robert LeChevalier; due to limited computer access,
Robert LeChevalier acted as Tommy Whitlock's "voice" from this point on in the IRC channel.
The vote passed 16 in favour, 3 opposed, 2 abstentions.
Local Lojban Groups:
- MOVED: That LLG recognize local and regional Lojban User
Groups, to be recognized and treated as Official Projects by the LLG
Board, but given a distinct web page - PASSED without objection
- Friendly Amendment A: That the term 'Local Lojbanist Groups' be used instead of 'Local User Groups' - PASSED without objection
- Friendly Amendment B: The LLG shall recognize local and regional Lojban groups, and may
reorganize them as Official Projects and give them a distinct web page,
if so desired by the group in question - WITHDRAWN
- Friendly Amendment C: With the local group's agreement - PASSED without objection
Arnt Johansen noted that the wording implied a level of control over local groups by the
LLG that may not be desired by those groups.
It was noted that affiliation as an Official Project carries only the obligation to
present regular reports on the activities of the project, and failure to do so incurs
no greater penalty than de-recognition by the LLG.
Robert LeChevalier noted that he worded the original motion to set up a separate (web)
page for user groups, distinct from the project page. Also noted that LLG offers web
space to all projects, so in addition to a summary web page for users groups,
Local Lojbanist Groups would also be entitled to set up their own web page specific to the group.
Friendly Amendment B was withdrawn as a result of clarification of 'recognize' vs. 'reorganize' in the original motion.
- MOVED: That the leaders of Local Lojbanist Groups be given
contact information on relevantly local Lojbanists by the Secretary on request, in order to contact
present and past Lojbanists and potential Lojbanists to become active in
the local group - PASSED without objection
- Friendly Amendment A: where permitted by local law - PASSED without objection
- Friendly Amendment B: that Lojbanists living in the area of the local group be given contact info
for the organizer (rather than vice versa) - PASSED without objection
A motion to commit the motion to committee to study the legality of the exchange of personal information
under local laws was withdrawn in favout of Friendly Amendment A.
- MOVED: That officers be elected by the members rather than the Board, and that election of officers precede the
election of directors - FAILED due to lack of majority
- Addenda: the phrase "proposal and approval of new members, who shall assume membership immediately if present
at the next meeting" should read "proposal and approval of new members,
who shall assume membership immediately if present at the current meeting" - ACCEPTED without objection
The final vote was 14 in favour, 7 opposed, with 6 abstentions
- MOVED: That changing the text of Motion 9I1 from "Replace Article 5, Section 2, to read:" to
"Replace Article 4, Section 2, to read:" does not require 15 days notice containing the explicit change to the Motion - PASSED
The final vote was 12 in favour, 2 opposed, with 5 abstentions
- MOVED: That officers also serve as ex-officio directors - WITHDRAWN
Since this amendment was dependent on the previous amendment, it was withdrawn when the previous amendment failed.
- MOVED: That a new office be created, effective 2004, which can only be filled by a Virginia resident. The office
has no duties in particular. Holding the office is compatible with holding another office or directorship - PASSED
The final vote was 21 in favour, none opposed, with 2 abstentions
- MOVED: That
The Standard Code of Parliamentary Procedure
, in its most recent version, be the Parliamentary
Authority for the LLG (where not specifically overruled by the Bylaws, Articles of Incorporation, or relevant laws and statutes) - PASSED
Final vote: 20 in favour, 1 opposed, no abstentions
- MOVED: (in summary) That all references to postal mail, telephone, and
electronic mail throughout the bylaws be removed in favour of completely
generic terms such as "notify" and "reasonable and customary forms
of communicatian", unless they are specific exceptions to the
principles of the section on Communications (such as a
specific need for written notification) - TABLED until 9F (regarding proxies) resolved; FAILED
A motion to commit this motion to committee to determine the ramifications of allowing electronic communication was defeated, 5 in favour, 14 opposed, no abstentions.
The final vote was 17 in favour, 6 opposed, no abstentions
- MOVED: Proxy voting is disallowed forthwith - FAILED
- Friendly Amendment A: That this bylaw does not take
effect until the completion of the annual meeting at which it is
approved - PASSED without objection
- Unfriendly Amendment B: Blind proxies are disallowed; proxies containing specific
instructions are allowed; any proxy without specific instructions on a specific issue
counts as a vote of "present" on that issue - PASSED
Amendment B passed 17 in favour, 5 opposed, no abstentions
The main motion (as amended to "no
proxies") failed with 14 in favour, 9 opposed, with no abstentions.
This means that the status quo - all proxies are allowed - remains in effect.
A motion to continue the meeting past the scheduled closing time was unanimously passed.
The chair ruled that no motions not on the original agenda were to be considered at the current
session (in the interests of time). This ruling was appealed and the chair's ruling was sustained by the members, 12 in favour, 6 opposed, 2 abstentions
- MOVED: To add "continuing involvement" to the list of qualifications for membership in the LLG as stated in the Bylaws.
- Friendly Amendment A: To make this motion a resolution of principle rather than a bylaw amendment - PASSED without objection
- Friendly Amendment B: Qualifications of both new and ongoing membership shall be
high personal dedication to the purposes of The Logical
Language Group, Inc as set forth in that Article, expressed
interest in helping to manage the affairs of the community,
continuing involvement in the activities of the community,
and attendance in person at the AGM. Failure to satisfy
some of these conditions is not necessarily a disqualification
from membership, if some of the other conditions are satisfied
to a sufficiently high degree." - PASSED as amended
- Friendly Amendment C: To remove "in person" from Amendment B (to facilitate IRC meetings) - PASSED without objection
- Unfriendly Amendment D: To replace "in person" in Amendment C with "not by proxy" - FAILED, 7 in favour, 14 opposed, no abstentions
The final vote was 17 in favour, 2 opposed, 3 abstentions
- MOVED: (in summary) To amend the Bylaws to allow the Board to declare the resignation of a member for failure to meet
the qualifications for sustaining mebership if so ratified by the membership - PASSED
- Friendly Amendment A: To demote the Bylaw Amendment to a statement of LLG principle - PASSED without objection
- Friendly Amendment B: To add "or demonstrated participation in the Lojban language community" to the list of qualifications - PASSED without objection
The final vote was 14 in favour, 4 opposed, 3 abstentions
- MOVED: To add "to support the community of people learning and using this language"
and "In the furtherance of its purposes as stated above, The Logical Language
Group, Inc. shall place priority on support of the community of persons
learning, using, experimenting with, and promoting the language known as
"Lojban - A Realization of Loglan" or alternatively 'Lojban'." to the statement of purpose of the LLG - PASSED unanimously
Committee and project reports:
The chair ruled that voting on the issues raised in the reports could be done on the members' list, and directed
Robert LeChevalier to compose and send the appropriate email.
Resignation of non-attending members:
A vote to adjourn before addressing this issue was soundly defeated at this point.
The chair directed such votes to be held on the members' list with a call for discussion, followed by a 48 hour
discussion period, followed by a call for votes which must be entered within 48 hours of the call for votes. The chair
directed Robert LeChevalier to compose and send the appropriate email.
MOVED: To recess until July 6, 2003 at 15:00 UTC to discuss new motions at that time - PASSED
Session 3
The fifteenth Annual Meeting of the Members of The Logical Language Group, Inc. was called back to order on July 6, 2003
at 11:00 AM EST
Roll call was taken of the members.
Members attending (13) were:
- Robert LeChevalier
- Nora LeChevalier
- Jorge Llambias
- Veijo Vilva
- Greg Dyke
- Jordan DeLong
- Mark Shoulson
- John Hodges
- And Rosta
- Adam Raizen
- Keith Lynch
- Pierre Abbat
- Jay Kominek
Members "present" (9) by proxy:
- Arnt Johanson to Mark Shoulson
- Tommy Whitlock to Robert LeChevalier
- Dave Barton to Robert LeChevalier
- Paul Francis O'Sullivan to Robert LeChevalier
- David Young to Nora LeChevalier
- Gary Burgess to Nora LeChevalier
- Robin Powell to Jay Kominek
- Craig Daniel to Jay Kominek
- Evgeny Sklyanin to Jay Kominek
- John Cowan to Nora LeChevalier
With 22 members present, quorum was declared by the chair.
The chair noted that Evgeny Sklyanin had resigned his membership in the LLG.
New business:
- MOVED: That all main motions from session 3 be voted on by email - PASSED without objection
- Friendly Amendment A: Voting shall be by a single email ballot rather
than one email per motion - PASSED without objection
- MOVED: That votes be public on the LLG mailing list - PASSED
- Unfriendly Amendment A: That votes be private and tabulated as per the
directorship elections, with two tellers acting in concert - FAILED
The final vote was 9 in favour, 4 opposed, 6 abstentions
Noted that the upcoming votes were not for an election, and therefore no need for secrecy was assumed. Also, that the membership
acts as a legislature, and therefore secret votes are undesirable.
Electronic communications:
Motion 9G3 was opened for reconsideration and added to the email ballot.
- MOVED: The membership requests that the Board keep it informed of the
issues under discussion before it makes its decisions
An objection was made to adding the question to the email ballot without discussion; the motion to add this motion
to the ballot passed, 10 in favour, none opposed, 5 abstentions
- MOVED: that the meeting recess until the conclusion of all outstanding
email ballots, and then adjourn - PASSED without objection
Results of email balloting:
- MOVED: That Motion 9G3 (motion to allow electronic communication for LLG official purposes)
be reconsidered and voted upon - PASSED without objection
- MOVED: Motion 9G3 itself - PASSED
Final vote was 23 in favour, 1 opposed
- MOVED: That the Board keep the membership informed of
the issues under discussion before it makes its decisions - PASSED
Final vote was 17 in favour, 5 opposed
- MOVED: That those committee reports that have already been submitted and
posted to the LLG-member list be accepted by the membership -PASSED without objection
- MOVED: That The Level 0 Package committee be disbanded - PASSED
Final vote: 20 in favour, 1 opposed
- MOVED: That the Print On Demand committee be renewed as an official project - PASSED
Final vote: 21 in favour, 1 opposed
- MOVED: That the Level -1 committee be renewed as an official project - PASSED
Final vote: 20 in favour, 1 opposed
- MOVED: That the Webmaster be formally appointed by the Board of
Directors to be Robin Powell, and that his maintenance group be
considered an official project - PASSED
Final vote: 20 in favour, 2 opposed
- MOVED: That the Parliamentary Rules translation committee be renewed as
an official project - PASSED
Final vote: 20 in favour, 1 opposed
- MOVED: That the Streamlining Meeting Procedures committee be disbanded -PASSED
Final vote: 16 in favour, 6 opposed
- MOVED: That the WorldCon committee be renewed as an official project - FAILED
Final vote: 9 in favour, 9 opposed
- MOVED: That the Meeting Notice committee be reconstituted as a formal
committee of the Board of Directors - PASSED
Final vote: 21 in favour, 1 opposed
- MOVED: That the Ju'i Lobypli Editorial Board be constituted as an
official project committee with Jay Kominek as chairman/editor - PASSED
Final vote: 21 in favour, 1 opposed
- MOVED: That Jay Kominek's effort to produce a monthly news
announcement be constituted as an official project committee - PASSED
Final vote: 20 in favour, 1 opposed
- MOVED: That the additional charter to produce an annual snail mail
newsletter replacing le lojbo karni be assigned by the Board to the news
announcement committee - PASSED
Final vote: 18 in favour, 4 opposed
- MOVED: That the Grant Proposal proposal committee be renewed as an
official project - PASSED
Final vote: 10 in favour, 9 opposed
- MOVED: That the jbogri committee be constituted as an official project - PASSED
Final vote: 18 in favour, 9 opposed
- MOVED: That the Lojban Website Translation Project be continued as an
official project - PASSED
Final vote: 18 in favour, 1 opposed
- MOVED: That the Lojban Chrestomathy be continued as an official project
Final vote: xx in favour, 1 opposed
- MOVED: That the Lojban Archives be continued as an official project - PASSED
Final vote: 18 in favour, 1 opposed
- MOVED: That the Lojban Dictionary be terminated as a an official project - PASSED
Final vote: 12 in favour, 6 opposed
- MOVED: That the Lojban Parser be continued as an official project - PASSED
Final vote: 16 in favour, 2 opposed
- MOVED: That the Draft Textbook Update be continued as an official project - PASSED
Final vote: 14 in favour, 3 opposed
- MOVED: That the Lojban for Beginners book be continued as an official
project - PASSED
Final vote: 18 in favour, 1 opposed
- MOVED: That the promotion of Lojban for use in the European Patent
System be continued as an official project - PASSED
Final vote: 15 in favour, 2 opposed
- MOVED: That the Lojban and Logic book be continued as an official
project, but considered inactive until byfy work is done - PASSED
Final vote: 17 in favour, 1 opposed
- MOVED: That the Lojban Mailing List be continued as an official project - PASSED
Final vote: 17 in favour, 1 opposed
- MOVED: That the ckafybarja be continued as an official project - PASSED
Final vote: 11 in favour, 7 opposed
- MOVED: That the Alice in Wonderland translation be continued as an
official project until it is published - PASSED
Final vote: 19 in favour, 1 opposed
- MOVED: That the Lojbanic Phrasebook Project (Robert Griffin) be
continued as an official project - PASSED
Final vote: 15 in favour, 3 opposed
- MOVED: That the CVS/wiki Lojban Phrasebook project (Pierre Abbat) be
recognized as an official project - PASSED
Final vote: 18 in favour, 3 opposed
- MOVED: That the Russian Website project be recognized as an official
project - PASSED
Final vote: 16 in favour, 3 opposed
- MOVED: That the Russian gismu list be recognized as an official project - PASSED
Final vote: 18 in favour, 2 opposed
- MOVED: That the translation of portions of Burton's Arabian Nights be
recognized as an official project - PASSED
Final vote: 16 in favour, 3 opposed
- MOVED: That the The Moon is a Harsh Mistress Chapter 1 be recognized
as an official project - PASSED
Final vote: 15 in favour, 4 opposed
- MOVED: That the Legend of Zelda Translation be recognized as an
official project - PASSED
Final vote: 13 in favour, 5 opposed
- MOVED: That the Lojban wiki be recognized as an official project - PASSED
Final vote: 17 in favour, 4 opposed
- MOVED: That the Russian Lojban List be recognized as an official project - PASSED
Final vote: 18 in favour, 2 opposed
- MOVED: That the French Lojban List be recognized as an official project - PASSED
Final vote: 18 in favour, 2 opposed
- MOVED: That the Lojban Webring be recognized as an official project - PASSED
Final vote: 14 in favour, 4 opposed
- MOVED: That the Lojban Portal (xod's selgre) be recognized as an
official project - PASSED
Final vote: 13 in favour, 5 opposed
- MOVED: That the Lojban Links Page be recognized as an official project
and a new leader sought - PASSED
Final vote: 14 in favour, 7 opposed
- MOVED: That the Mailing List/Lojban FAQs effort be recognized as an
official project - PASSED
Final vote: 19 in favour, 2 opposed
- MOVED: That the jboske mailing list be recognized as an official
project distinct from the Lojbanology project (per Nick's comments) - FAILED
Final vote: 4 in favour, 10 opposed
- MOVED: That the jboske mailing list be merged with and considered
part of the Lojbanology project (per And's comments) - PASSED
Final vote: 10 in favour, 6 opposed
- MOVED: That the jbosnu mailing list be recognized as an official project. - PASSED
Final vote: 17 in favour, 2 opposed
MOVED: That the Lojban beginners list be recognized as an official
project - PASSED
Final vote: 18 in favour, 3 opposed
- MOVED: That jbovlaste be recognized as an official project - PASSED
Final vote: 19 in favour, 2 opposed
- MOVED: That the translation of the Helen Eaton concept list, known as
the Eaton Interface, be recognized as an official project - PASSED
Final vote: 14 in favour, 3 opposed
- MOVED: That the LogFlash suite of teaching programs be terminated as
an official project because the programs are complete, but that the full
set of programs be made clearly available for download on the LLG website - PASSED
Final vote: 19 in favour, 1 opposed
- MOVED: That jbofi'e be recognized as an official project - PASSED
Final vote: 18 in favour, 2 opposed
- MOVED: That valfendi (Pierre Abbat) be recognized as an official project - PASSED
Final vote: 17 in favour, 2 opposed
- MOVED: That Nora LeChevalier's Random Sentence Generator be recognized
as an official project - PASSED
Final vote: 16 in favour, 2 opposed
- MOVED: That research into the learning of Lojban using LogFlash logs
be recognized as an official project - PASSED
Final vote: 16 in favour, 2 opposed
- MOVED: That the creation of a Lojban Audio tape or CD be recognized as
an official project - PASSED
Final vote: 17 in favour, 3 opposed
- MOVED: That the "Loglan Interface" (Steven Belknap), defining the
linguistic relationships between Lojban and TLI Loglan and developing
cross-language translation and teaching aids, be recognized as an official
project - PASSED
Final vote: 14 in favour, 5 opposed
- MOVED: That creation of additional Lojban adventure games using the
Inform interface be recognized as an official project - PASSED
Final vote: 16 in favour, 3 opposed
- MOVED: That the Lojban Java List be recognized as an official project - FAILED
Final vote: 8 in favour, 10 opposed
MOVED: That any project that has no project leader for at least 6
months, or which submits no report for at least 6 months may be
automatically moved to an inactive projects list. This list will be
maintained on a Lojban website page with encouragement for someone to get
involved in actively pursuing the project - PASSED
Final vote: 17 in favour, 2 opposed
The fifteenth Annual Meeting of the Members of The Logical Language Group, Inc. was adjourned on July 13, 2003
at 10:28 AM UTC
Last modified: Mon Jun 27 23:12:48 PDT 2005
Please contact us
with any comments, suggestions or concerns.