Minutes of the 2000 Annual Meeting of the Members of The Logical
Language Group, Inc.
The twelfth Annual Meeting of the Members of The Logical Language
Group, Inc. was called to order on August 6, 2000 at 11:58 AM EDT.
Shawn Lasseter was appointed Sergeant-at-Arms to gather/inform
members of beginning of meeting.
Non-members in attendance at the annual meeting were:
- Ethan Fremen voted in as member during the meeting
- Jake Berglund voted in as member during the meeting
- David Crowell voted in as member during the meeting
- Xod
- Olivia
Roll call was taken of the members.
Members attending (14) were:
- Dave Barton
- Gary Burgess
- John Cowan
- John Hodges
- Shawn Lasseter
- Nora LeChevalier
- Robert (Bob) LeChevalier
- Keith Lynch
- Alex (Alexandra) Miles-Lasseter
- Nick Nicholas
- Paul Francis O'Sullivan
- Mark Shoulson
- David Twery
- Tommy Whitlock
Members "present" (5) by proxy:
- Athelstan proxy to Nora LeChevalier, with instructions to
abstain on all votes
- John Clifford proxy to Nora LeChevalier
- Guy Garnett proxy to Nora LeChevalier
- Jorge Llambias proxy to Bob LeChevalier
- Veijo Vilva proxy to Bob LeChevalier
Members not in attendance (3) were:
- Karen Stein
- Colin Fine
- David Young
No proper notice of meeting by Secretary/Treasurer was given (per
Article 3, Section 4 of the Bylaws)., therefore no bylaw amendments
may be made.
Reading of the Minutes:
- MOVED: To waive reading of minutes. - PASSED.
Report of officers: Secretary/Treasurer, by President:
Organization delinquent 2 quarters in state sales tax ($30 penalty)
Book orders caught up
Other orders not done
Estimated 5-6 thousand in liability for balances.
- CAIS (internet site) account $800 per year
- Phone $30-35 per month
- Visa/Mastercard/Amex service $30 per month, plus extra charges
- $1550 so far
- Income: net negative
- Repaid $2000 of book loan (to LeChevalier balance)
- $3000 left on book loan
- $2000 in bank
Book Sales: 322
Report of officers - President:
Settled with printer: Asked $4400, settled with offer of $2400.
- Possible options for handling of people with bad books:
- PDF of book for download
- PDF of bad page
- Send good book
There was a suggestion that we get the bad book back so we can
insert a print of the good page and use it to send to those of limited
funds who wanted the book.
Commendation to Yvgeny Sklyanin for building a net community in
Russia, including translating stuff into Russian and setting up a
Russian language web site. (Here it was also noted that Xod had set
up a lojban web ring and is encouraging us to get the lojban web page
set up).
Production of Dictionary: not advanced.
Note that World Con is in Philadelphia next year.
Project on new words (lujvo): We would like to find a way to get
people to create/check even just the English keywords for the words on
the list of new words (5000-10000).
Report of Committees:
- Level 0 package committee (1998,99: John Cowan, chairman;
David Twery; Tommy Whitlock; Bob LeChevalier):
- Nothing done.
- Internet site committee (1999: David Twery, Chairman; Shawn
Lasseter; Nick Nicholas):
- Nothing done.
- Finance (aka Poverty) Committee:
- Nothing done because no extra moneys.
- John Hodges and Bob LeChevalier have, separate from this
committee, have 5-6 copies reserved for indigent.
- On-line ordering (1997: Mark Shoulson, chairman):
- no change reported.
- WorldCon committee (1998: Keith Lynch, chairman; David Bowen;
Bob LeChevalier):
- nothing to report.
- Meeting notice (1994: Bob LeChevalier and John Cowan):
- no report.
- Grant proposal: (1996: Dave Barton, chairman; Dave Twery; and
Bob LeChevalier):
- no report.
- Streamlining meeting procedures (1999: John Cowan, chairman):
- no report.
Consideration of new members or removal of old members:
Discussion: concern about too much emphasis given to the local
people who can come to Logfest, and not enough consideration of
foreign contributors. Led to discussion of what it means to be a
member and how it would affect ability to do bylaw amendments and
other business at the annual meeting.
- MOVED: That all 3 prospective members (Ethan Fremen, Jake
Berglund, David Crowell) be accepted as new members. - PASSED.
- MOVED: To offer membership to Ivan Derzhanski. - PASSED.
- MOVED: To offer membership to Yvgeny Sklyanin. - PASSED.
- MOVED: To offer membership to Robin Turner and Arnt
Johansen. - PASSED.
- MOVED: To offer membership to And Rosta. - PASSED as AMENDED.
- FRIENDLY AMENDMENT: That John Cowan be among the drafters of
the offer - ACCEPTED.
Election of Board of Directors:
Current Board includes: David Barton, John Clifford, John Cowan,
Bob LeChevalier, Nora LeChevalier, Alex Miles-Lasseter, David Twery.
Maximum of 7 allowed.
Discussion of what it is to be on the Board of Directors.
- MOVED: To elect John Cowan, Shawn Lasseter, Bob LeChevalier,
Nora LeChevalier, Alex Miles-Lasseter and David Twery - PASSED as
- MOVED: Offer Board membership to John Clifford as well -
- MOVED: To thank David Barton for his participation on the
board. - PASSED.
Old/Unfinished Business:
Marketing and Promotion: Put off plan for future year [except for
World Con], though Ethan had volunteered to be put in charge of
contact form for Web.
New Business:
- MOVED: To recess for 20 minutes for lunch break - PASSED.
(Recessed until 1:15)
Discussion of James Cook Brown's death and relationship with The
Loglan Institute (TLI)
- MOVED: As an organization, to extend our regrets at his death,
our condolences to his family, and our appreciation for his
contributions to the logical language community. - PASSED
- MOVED: To adopt a formal position welcoming members of TLI or
any community of logical language, and affirm a position in favor
of rapprochement with TLI at such time as they ... - AMENDED
Discussion: This may be seen as insulting. Discussion of
importance of rapprochement, including reading from proxy
- MOVED: To divide the motion into:
- Welcome members, and
- LLG position on TLI - PASSED.
- MOTION: To adopt a formal position welcoming members of TLI or
any community of logical language - FAILED, despite friendly
- FRIENDLY AMENDMENT: "reaffirm commitment to" - ACCEPTED
- MOTION: To affirm a position in favor of rapprochement with
TLI at such time as they... - WITHDRAWN
Ethan presented a proposal: an offer of real-time on-line
credit-card processing and on-demand publishing (printed and sent out)
as a donation.
Much discussion: mechanics, check processing, etc.
Initially to be fulfillment of orders for the book (the Complete
Grammar), so LLG wouldn't need credit card processing. Trail for 1
month, then talk to Board.
Possibly also web hosting: $15/year to maintain name.
- MOVED: To accept the proposal in principal, subject to
ratification by the Board of written proposal in 1 month. - PASSED
- FRIENDLY AMENDMENT: "with gratitude and great thanks" -
(Note: at this point, Mark Shoulson leaves, proxy to Nick)
Talk of future ideas: Live, interactive conferencing for meetings;
farming out dictionary and work-proposal via web-form.
Hartmut Pilch asked again about his proposal for use in patents:
- He'd like a page on the site promoting his proposal
- He's gotten support in that France has proposed it.
- Bob's suggestions: a sample translation or perhaps direct
(Note: at this point, Tommy Whitlock leaves, proxy to John
- MOVED: That LLG say that we fully support and encourage use of
Lojban in the European patent system - PASSED.
Discussion of priority of resumption of Ju'i Lobypli and Lojbo Karni
(JL and LK)
- MOVED: That priority of JL/LK resumption be moved up, subject
to discretion of Board - PASSED.
Policy on bug in grammar (formal grammar disagrees with write-up):
- MOVED: That the grammar be changed to match the prose -
- MOVED: That the question of 20001 WorldCon be delegate to the
Board - PASSED.
- MOVED: To adjourn meeting. - PASSED.
The twelfth Annual Meeting of the Members of The Logical Language
Group, Inc. was adjourned at approximately 2:50 PM EDT.
I certify that the above motions were presented to all members
present for discussion and approval, and that all motions were
approved as noted. I further certify that these minutes are an
accurate representation of the twelfth Annual Meeting of the Members
of The Logical Language Group, Inc.
Nora LeChevalier
Last modified: Mon Jun 27 23:13:30 PDT 2005
Please contact us
with any comments, suggestions or concerns.