Minutes of the 1998 Annual Meeting of the Members of The Logical
Language Group, Inc.
The tenth Annual Meeting of the Members of The Logical Language Group,
Inc. was called to order on July 12, 1998 at 10:45 AM EDT.
Non-members in attendance at the annual meeting were:
- Keith Lynch voted in as member during the meeting, proxy
to John Cowan after he left at 1:15.
Roll call was taken of the members.
Members attending (7) were:
- Dave Barton
- John Cowan
- Guy Garnett arrived after roll-call but before any voting
- John Hodges
- Nora LeChevalier
- Robert (Bob) LeChevalier
- David Twery
Members "present" (9) by proxy:
- Athelstan proxy to Guy Garnett
- John Clifford proxy to Bob LeChevalier
- Colin Fine proxy to Bob LeChevalier
- Jorge Llambias proxy to John Cowan
- Nick Nicholas proxy to Bob LeChevalier
- Mark Shoulson proxy to John Cowan
- Karen Stein proxy to John Hodges
- Veijo Vilva proxy to Bob LeChevalier
- Tommy Whitlock proxy to Nora LeChevalier
Members not in attendance (1) were:
No proper notice of meeting by Secretary/Treasurer was given (per
Article 3, Section 4 of the Bylaws)., therefore no bylaw amendments
may be made.
Roll Call
- Bob: David Young is in Japan for some time,and has not yet
sent his E-mail address.
Reading of the Minutes:
- MOVED: To waive reading of minutes. - PASSED.
Report of officers - President:
- Reference Grammar:
- Book published
- about 200 copies sold
- Some notes of availability up on SIG/ lists/Net-page, but
no other real notice.
- 10 sales through
- 1,500 printed ($17,500)
- Loan of $10,100 from LeChevalier's for printing (at 8% per year).
Paid back about $2,000 so far.
- Rest financed from membership balances of $6,000 - $7000.
- Geoffrey Sampson has reviewed the book in the Journal of
Linguistics (a prestigious publication).
- Someone donated a copy to the national library of Italy.
- Next book will be the pocket dictionary. Not much time spent on it
- After pocket dictionary will be the level-0 replacement book
(introduction). This will be cheaper than re-photocopying the level-0
material (brochure, overview, diagrammed summary).
- Pages misprinted in 25-30% of books.
- Some books sent out may also be bad.
- Printer has checked through 2/3, returning the good books, but
otherwise not moving quickly on making good. They "accept
responsibility", but no real particulars (implied that they would
replace bad books with good).
- Bob LeChevalier suggested that in addition to settlement
(monetary or good books for bad), that we request the bad
books back, mark them "defective", and send them to those
who would not be able to buy a copy (e.g. - those in some
foreign countries).
- LLG is promising its customers complete satisfaction. Our
policy has been to replace any bad book that is returned.
Performance as president:
- Order have been delayed (on books) by a month or more. Some other
orders date back as far as 1995 (mostly level-0).
- Address list not updated; this will take much work.
- Publicly thanks Dave Barton for his help with organization and
- Requests more frequent encouragement by contact from members.
- Sylvia Rissel: Contacted her finally. She doesn't object to being
removed. She is still interested, but has insufficient contact for
more participation.
Order form needs updating.
Report of officers: Secretary/Treasurer, by President:
- No significant correspondence, other than Geoffrey Sampson review.
- There will be about 1,400 names on mailing list once typed in, but
don't know how many bad.
- @2,00 bank balance.
- Owe the LeChevaliers $8,000 plus interest.
- Owe member balances, but books not up-to-date on the amounts at
- Have changed bank account such that there will be no charges unless
under $500 bank balance.
- Sales tax: Owe for 9 months. Very low, but there is $10 late
Report of officers: Vice President, by President:
- Retiring at end of 1999 from job as professor, and moving.
- Expects he can become more active after retirement.
Report of Committees:
Meeting notice: missed.
Finance Committee: nothing decided because no meetings.
Suggested by Bob LeChevalier: Goran Topic (in Croatia), the teacher in
mainland China, and maybe the person in Taiwan.
On-line Ordering: decided todo nothing because on-line ordering can be
done through
Consideration of new members:
- MOVED: That Keith Lynch be accepted as a new member. - PASSED.
Election of Board of Directors:
- MOVED: To re-elect current slate of board members. - PASSED.
Old/Unfinished Business:
New Business:
Discussion of priorities for President:
Items considered [unprioritized]:
- Taxes
- Updating address list and financial information
- Sending book notice to address list
- Sending outback orders - paid
- Sending out back orders - unpaid (requests for level 0).
- Marketing and promotion
- Little dictionary work
- Package 0 bookwork
- Re-establishing DC lojban group(lessons and/or conversation)
- Sending out LK
- Sending out immediate orders (quick)
- MOVED: That discussion of priorities be briefly tabled for discussion
of whether to send LK with book notice. - PASSED.
Discussion of sending out LK along with book notice in 1 mailing.
- 2 mailings would: allow for updating address list with good addresses
in between, so LK would more likely be mailed to a good address; be
another contact from LLG.
- 1 mailing would: help remind people better of what the lojban
project is.
- MOVED: That there be separate mailings; the book notice flyer, then
- MOVED: To untable discussion of priorities. - PASSED.
Continuation of discussion of priorities for President:
- Which next: Level-0 book or little dictionary?
- 10-20 paid level-0 orders.
- 50-300 unpaid level-0 (request for information).
- Just reprint current documents as booklet, or re-do to make
a consistent-style level-0 booklet?
- David Twery suggests we look into, books on demand.
- May want little dictionary ready to respond to any level-0 responses.
But, must wait with little dictionary until we have money (from sales
of Reference Grammar).
- Little dictionary needs work on cmavo since people have complained
about non-usable "definitions"; suggestion to cross-reference cmavo
list to Reference Grammar.
- MOVED: That LLG present to Bob, as President, the following must-do
list without regard to other activities or work -AMENDED.
- Taxes
- Sending out immediate orders (quick)
- Updating address list and financial information
- Sending outback orders - paid
- Sending out back orders - unpaid (requests for level 0).
- Sending book notice to adress list
- Sending out LK
- Little dictionary work
Friendly AMENDMENT: That LLG adopt the following as the list of
priorities for which Bob, as President, has primary responsibility -
- Taxes
- Sending out immediate orders (quick)
- Updating address list and financial information
- Sending outback orders - paid
- Sending out back orders - unpaid (requests for level 0).
- Sending book notice to adress list
- Sending out LK
- Little dictionary work
Discussion of items not included on President's priority list -
level-0 packet:
- MOVED: That we refer to committee of John Cowan and Dave Barton the
preparation of a book to replace the level-0 packet. - AMENDED.
- Friendly AMENDMENT: That we refer to committee (members: John Cowan -
chairman, Dave Barton, Bob LeChevalier) the preparation of a book to
replace the level-0 packet. - PASSED.
Discussion of items not included on President's priority list -
Marketing and Promotion:
- MOVED: That further discussion of marketing and promotion be postponed
until next meeting. - WITHDRAWN.
- MOVED: That we extend the deadline for the $39 price for the Reference
Grammar, to at least next year's meeting, adjustable by the Board -
- Maybe wording saying $48, but orders over $20 get 20% discount (as is
currently listed on price list).
- But, people do the arithmetic wrong. May be better to get rid of the
20% discount altogether.
- gets the books for $35, then sets their own selling price;
we will cut the price to then when they reach 10.
- AMENDMENT: That we extend the deadline for the $39 price for the
Reference Grammar, to three months from the mailing of the notice,
adjustable by the Board - REJECTED. (vote: 4 pro, 5 con, 8
- MOVED: That further discussion of marketing and promotion be postponed
until next meeting. - TABLED.
- MOVED: To table discussion of postponement of marketing discussion -
Worldcon: What about having flyers for putting on table? Maybe a
committee to look into future Worldcons ('99 in Australia, '00 in
Chicago, '01 in Philadelphia or Orlando).
- MOVED: That we send n flyers to Worldcon, where n is to be determined by
Bob LeChevalier and Dave Barton - PASSED.
- MOVED: Establish a Worldcon committee to refer Worldcon matters (members
Keith Lynch - chairman, David Bowen, Bob LeChevalier). - PASSED.
- MOVED: To un-table discussion of postponement of marketing discussion
- MOVED: That further discussion of marketing and promotion be postponed
until next meeting. - PASSED.
Keith Lynch left, proxy to John Cowan.
Resolution of Printer Problems:
At minimum, want restitution, in the form of money-back pro-rata
over the total cost (not the marginal cost) or book-for-book
Perhaps we should ask for them to give us the bad copies, for
distribution to those incapable of buying. But the Printers may not
want that since it's a bad reflection on them.
What about postage to re-send books?
21 sent before we discovered problem. We don't know which ones are
- MOVED: That the minimum resolution to be accepted is recompense
(either pro-rata payment based on total cost of books or book-for-book
replacement) plus $500 for expenses to replace bad books -
PASSED. (unanimously)
- Hire lawyer if can't get satisfaction.
- What type of recompense preferable: repayment or replacement?
Printers may have a say in this as to what they can do.
- If we receive repayment, will we run out of copies? (Guffaws
were heard.)
What to do for people who have paid for level-2 packet?
- Level-2 packet is equivalent to about 5chapters of the Reference
- Level-2 packet price is less than book.
- But, people have been waiting for it.
- MOVED: To send copies of the Reference Grammar to pending orders for
the Level-2 packet, and to reject any new orders. - PASSED.
- MOVED: To adjourn meeting. - PASSED.
The tenth Annual Meeting of the Members of The Logical Language Group,
Inc. was adjourned at approximately 1:35 PM EDT.
I certify that the above motions were presented to all members present
for discussion and approval, and that all motions were approved as
noted. I further certify that these minutes are an accurate
representation of the tenth Annual Meeting of the Members of The
Logical Language Group, Inc.
Nora LeChevalier
Last modified: Mon Jun 27 23:12:45 PDT 2005
Please contact us
with any comments, suggestions or concerns.