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Minutes of the 1998 Annual Meeting of the Members of The Logical Language Group, Inc.

The tenth Annual Meeting of the Members of The Logical Language Group, Inc. was called to order on July 12, 1998 at 10:45 AM EDT.

Non-members in attendance at the annual meeting were:

Roll call was taken of the members.

Members attending (7) were:

Members "present" (9) by proxy:

Members not in attendance (1) were:

No proper notice of meeting by Secretary/Treasurer was given (per Article 3, Section 4 of the Bylaws)., therefore no bylaw amendments may be made.

Roll Call

Bob: David Young is in Japan for some time,and has not yet sent his E-mail address.

Reading of the Minutes:

Report of officers - President:

Performance as president:

Order form needs updating.

Report of officers: Secretary/Treasurer, by President:

Report of officers: Vice President, by President:

Report of Committees:

Meeting notice: missed.

Finance Committee: nothing decided because no meetings.

Suggested by Bob LeChevalier: Goran Topic (in Croatia), the teacher in mainland China, and maybe the person in Taiwan.

On-line Ordering: decided todo nothing because on-line ordering can be done through Amazon.com

Consideration of new members:

Election of Board of Directors:

Old/Unfinished Business:


New Business:

Discussion of priorities for President:

Items considered [unprioritized]:

  1. Taxes
  2. Updating address list and financial information
  3. Sending book notice to address list
  4. Sending outback orders - paid
  5. Sending out back orders - unpaid (requests for level 0).
  6. Marketing and promotion
  7. Little dictionary work
  8. Package 0 bookwork
  9. Re-establishing DC lojban group(lessons and/or conversation)
  10. Sending out LK
  11. Sending out immediate orders (quick)

Discussion of sending out LK along with book notice in 1 mailing.

Continuation of discussion of priorities for President:

  1. Taxes
  2. Sending out immediate orders (quick)
  3. Updating address list and financial information
  4. Sending outback orders - paid
  5. Sending out back orders - unpaid (requests for level 0).
  6. Sending book notice to adress list
  7. Sending out LK
  8. Little dictionary work

Friendly AMENDMENT: That LLG adopt the following as the list of priorities for which Bob, as President, has primary responsibility - PASSED.

  1. Taxes
  2. Sending out immediate orders (quick)
  3. Updating address list and financial information
  4. Sending outback orders - paid
  5. Sending out back orders - unpaid (requests for level 0).
  6. Sending book notice to adress list
  7. Sending out LK
  8. Little dictionary work

Discussion of items not included on President's priority list - level-0 packet:

Discussion of items not included on President's priority list - Marketing and Promotion:


Worldcon: What about having flyers for putting on table? Maybe a committee to look into future Worldcons ('99 in Australia, '00 in Chicago, '01 in Philadelphia or Orlando).

Keith Lynch left, proxy to John Cowan.

Resolution of Printer Problems:

At minimum, want restitution, in the form of money-back pro-rata over the total cost (not the marginal cost) or book-for-book replacement.

Perhaps we should ask for them to give us the bad copies, for distribution to those incapable of buying. But the Printers may not want that since it's a bad reflection on them.

What about postage to re-send books?

21 sent before we discovered problem. We don't know which ones are bad.

What to do for people who have paid for level-2 packet?

The tenth Annual Meeting of the Members of The Logical Language Group, Inc. was adjourned at approximately 1:35 PM EDT.

I certify that the above motions were presented to all members present for discussion and approval, and that all motions were approved as noted. I further certify that these minutes are an accurate representation of the tenth Annual Meeting of the Members of The Logical Language Group, Inc.

Nora LeChevalier


Last modified: Mon Jun 27 23:12:45 PDT 2005

Please contact us with any comments, suggestions or concerns.