PLEASE NOTE: THIS IS AN OLD VERSION. The current version is linked from The Complete Lojban Language.

7. Captions to Pictures

The following examples list the Lojban caption, with a translation, for the picture at the head of each chapter. If a chapter's picture has no caption, ``(none)'' is specified instead.

7.1)  coi lojban.       coi rodo
    Greetings, O Lojban!    Greetings, all-of you

7.2)   (none)

7.3)   .i .ai .i .ai .o

7.4)   jbobliku

7.5)   (none)

7.6)   lei re nanmu cu bevri le re nanmu
    The-mass-of two men carry the two men
    Two men (jointly) carry two men (both of them).

7.7)   ma drani danfu
        .i di'e
        .i di'u
        .i dei
        .i ri
        .i do'i
    [What sumti] is-the-correct type-of-answer?

7.8)   ko viska re prenu poi bruna la santas.
    [You!] see two persons who-are brothers-of Santa.

7.9)   (none)

7.10) za'o klama
    [superfective] come/go
    Something goes (or comes) for too long.

7.11) le si'o kunti
    The concept-of emptiness

7.12) (none)

7.13) .oi ro'i ro'a ro'e
    [Pain!] [emotional] [social] [mental]

7.14) (none)

7.15) mi na'e lumci le karce
    I other-than wash the car
    I didn't wash the car.

7.16) drata mupli pe'u .djan.
    another example [please] John
    Another example, John, please!

7.17) zai xanlerfu by. ly. .obu .jy by. .abu ny.
    [Shift] hand-letters l o j b a n
    "Lojban" in the manual alphabet

7.18) no no
    0 0

7.19) (none)

7.20) (none)

7.21) (none)