This nonsensical conversation results because the King insists on treating
the word ``nobody'' as a name, a name of somebody. However, the essential
nature of the English word ``nobody'' is that it doesn't refer to somebody;
or to put the matter another way, there isn't anybody to which it refers.
Let us consider, to begin with, a sentence that is not in the dialogue:
There are two plausible Lojban translations of Example 2.1. The simpler
one is:
However, Example 2.1 is just as likely to assert simply that there is
someone who sees me, in which case a correct translation is:
Here is an example of a prenex with two variables:
It is not necessary for a variable to be a sumti of the main bridi
What happens if we substitute ``everything'' for ``something'' in Example 2.1?
We get:
The Lojban translation of Example 3.1 is
Here is a universal claim with two variables:
Again, X and Y can represent the same thing, so Example 3.3 does not mean
``Everything loves everything else.'' Furthermore, because the claim is
universal, it is about every thing, not merely every person, so we cannot
use ``everyone'' or ``everybody'' in the translation.
There are various possible translations of universal claims in English:
sometimes we use ``anybody/anything'' rather than ``everybody/everything''.
Often it makes no difference which of these is used: when it does make
a difference, it is a rather subtle one which is explained in Section 8.
If we make an existential claim about dogs rather than a universal one,
we get:
The prenex of Example 5.3 is like that of Example 3.4 (but with relative
clauses): it notes that the following bridi is true of every person
with respect to some dog, not necessarily the same dog for each. But
in the main bridi part, the ``de'' appears before the ``da''. Therefore,
the true translation is
If we tried to omit the prenex and move the ``ro'' and the relative clauses
into the main bridi, we would get:
From this version of Example 2.3, we understand the speaker's claim to be
that of all the things that there are, at least one of them sees him or her.
The corresponding universal claim, Example 3.2, says that of all the things
that exist, every one of them can see the speaker.
Here we see that indeed each of the dogs is said to bite two men, and it
might be different men each time; a total of six biting events altogether.
Consider the English sentence
Using the facilities already discussed, a plausible translation might be
What to do? Well, the x2 place of ``nitcu'' can be filled with an event
as well as an object, and in fact Example 8.5 can also be paraphrased as:
Rewritten using variables, Example 8.7 becomes
The relative position of negation and quantification terms within a
prenex has a drastic effect on meaning. Starting without a negation, we
can have:
The simplest form of bridi negation to interpret is one where the
negation term is at the beginning of the prenex:
Another movement of the negation boundary produces:
Adjacent double negation boundaries in the prenex can be dropped, so this
means the same as:
A logical connective is a cmavo or compound cmavo. In this chapter,
we will make use of the logical connectives ``and'' and ``or'' (where ``or''
really means ``and/or'', ``either or both''). The following simplified
recipes explain how to make some logical connectives:
More complex logical connectives also exist; in particular, one may place
``na'' before ``.e'' or ``.a'', or between ``.i'' and ``je'' or ``ja''; likewise,
one may place ``nai'' at the end of a connective. Both ``na'' and ``nai''
have negative effects on the sumti or bridi being connected. Specifically,
``na'' negates the first or left-hand sumti or bridi, and ``nai'' negates the
second or right-hand one.
Whenever a logical connective occurs in a sentence, that sentence can
be expanded into two sentences by repeating the common terms and joining the
sentences by a logical connective beginning with ``.i''. Thus the following
The same type of expansion can be performed for any logical connective,
with any valid combination of ``na'' or ``nai'' attached. No change in
meaning occurs under such a transformation.
Clearly, if we know what negation means in the expanded sentence
forms, then we know what it means in all of the other forms.
But what does negation mean between sentences?
Thus the following example has the indicated translation:
Let us consider the English sentence
We cannot express this directly with ``na''; the apparently obvious
1. What's wrong with this picture?
1.1) ``Who did you pass on the road?'' the King went on,
holding out his hand to the Messenger for some more
1.2) ``Nobody,'' said the Messenger.
1.3) ``Quite right,'' said the King: ``this young lady saw
him too. So of course Nobody walks slower than you.''
1.4) ``I do my best,'' the Messenger said in a sulky tone.
``I'm sure nobody walks much faster than I do!''
1.5) ``He can't do that,'' said the King, ``or else
he'd have been here first.''
1.6) mi viska le nanmu
I see the-one-I-refer-to-as-the man.
I see the man/men.
that there really is a man; the only thing you can conclude is that there
is one thing (or more) that I choose to refer to as a man. You cannot even
tell which man is meant for sure without asking me (although communication
is served if you already know from the context).
2. Existential claims, prenexes, and variables
2.1) Something sees me.
2.2) [zo'e] viska mi
Something-unspecified sees me.
2.3) da zo'u da viska mi
There-is-an-X such-that X sees me.
2.4) da de zo'u da prami de
There-is-an-X there-is-a-Y such that X loves Y.
Somebody loves somebody.
2.5) da zo'u da prami da
There-is-an-X such that X loves X
Somebody loves himself/herself.
2.6) de zo'u de prami de
There-is-a-Y such that Y loves Y
means exactly the same thing as Example 2.5; it does not matter which
variable is used as long as they are used consistently.
2.7) da zo'u le da gerku cu viska mi
There-is-an-X such-that the of-X dog sees me
Somebody's dog sees me
is perfectly correct even though the ``da'' is used only in a possessive
construction. (Possessives are explained in Chapter 8.)
2.8) da zo'u la ralf. gerku
There is something such that Ralph is a dog.
has a variable bound in a prenex whose relevance to the claim
of the following bridi is completely unspecified.
3. Universal claims
3.1) Everything sees me.
3.2) ro da zo'u da viska mi
For-every X : X sees me.
3.3) ro da ro de zo'u da prami de
For-every X, for-every Y : X loves Y.
Everything loves everything.
3.4) ro da de zo'u da viska de
For-every X, there-is-a-Y : X sees Y.
Everything sees something.
3.5) da ro de zo'u da viska de
There-is-an-X such-that-for-every-Y : X sees Y.
Something sees everything.
4. Restricted claims: ``da poi''
4.1) da zo'u da viska la djim.
There-is-an-X : X sees Jim.
Something sees Jim.
4.2) da poi prenu zo'u da viska la djim.
There-is-an-X which is-a-person : X sees Jim.
Someone sees Jim.
4.3) ro da zo'u da vasxu
For-every X : X breathes
Everything breathes
4.4) ro da poi gerku zo'u da vasxu
For-every X which is-a-dog : X breathes.
Every dog breathes.
Each dog breathes.
All dogs breathe.
Example 4.3 is a silly falsehood, but Example 4.4 is an important truth
(at least if applied in a timeless or potential sense: see Chapter 10).
Note the various colloquial translations ``every dog'', ``each
dog'', and ``all dogs''. They all come to the same thing in Lojban, since
what is true of every dog is true of all dogs. ``All dogs'' is treated as
an English plural and the others as singular, but Lojban makes no
4.5) da poi gerku zo'u da vasxu
There-is-an-X which is-a-dog : X breathes.
Some dog breathes.
5. Dropping the prenex
5.1) da viska mi
There-is-an-X-which sees me.
Something sees me.
and Example 4.4 becomes:
5.2) ro da poi gerku cu vasxu
For-every X which is-a-dog, it-breathes.
Every dog breathes.
5.3) ro da poi prenu ku'o
de poi gerku ku'o zo'u
de batci da
For-every X which is-a-person,
there-is-a-Y which is-a-dog:
Y bites X.
5.4) Every person is bitten by some dog (or other).
5.5) de poi gerku cu batci
ro da poi prenu
There-is-a-Y which is-a-dog which-bites
every Y which is-a-person
Some dog bites everyone.
5.6) ro da poi prenu cu se batci
de poi gerku
Every-X which is-a-person is-bitten-by some-Y
which is-a-dog.
using the conversion operator ``se'' (explained in Chapter 5) to change the
selbri ``batci'' (``bites'') into ``se batci'' (``is bitten by''). The
translation given in Example 5.4 uses the corresponding strategy in
English, since English does not have prenexes (except in strained
``logician's English''). This implies that a sentence with both a universal
and an existential variable can't be freely converted with ``se'';
one must be careful to preserve the order of the variables.
5.7) di poi prenu zo'u
ti xarci di di
There-is-a-Z which is-a-person :
this-thing is-a-weapon for-use-against-Z by-Z
This is a weapon for someone to use against
(in which ``di'' is used rather than ``da'' just for variety) loses its prenex
as follows:
5.8) ti xarci di
poi prenu ku'o di
This-thing is-a-weapon-for-use-against
some-Z which is-a-person by-Z.
6. Variables with generalized quantifiers
6.1) su'o da zo'u da viska mi
For-at-least-one X : X sees me.
Something sees me.
6.2) re da zo'u da viska mi
For-two-Xes : X sees me.
Two things see me.
6.3) su'ore da zo'u da viska mi
For-at-least-two Xes : X sees me.
which would be false if nothing, or only one thing, saw the speaker, but
not otherwise. We note the ``su'o'' here meaning ``at least''; ``su'o'' by
itself is short for ``su'opa'' where ``pa'' means ``one'', as is explained
in Chapter 18.
6.4) re da viska mi
Two Xes see me.
6.5) su'ore da viska mi
At-least-two Xes see me.
respectively, subject to the rules prescribed in Section 5.
6.6) re prenu viska mi
Two persons see me.
is short for
6.7) re da poi prenu cu viska mi
Two Xes which are-persons see me.
which in turn is short for:
6.8) re da poi prenu zo'u da viska mi
For-two Xes which are-persons : X sees me.
7. Grouping of quantifiers
7.1) ci gerku cu batci re nanmu
Three dogs bite two men.
7.2) ci da poi gerku cu batci re de poi nanmu
Three Xes which are-dogs bite two Ys which are-men.
(Note that we need separate variables ``da'' and ``de'', because of the rule
that says each indefinite description gets a variable never used before
or since.)
7.3) ci da poi gerku ku'o
re de poi nanmu zo'u
da batci de
For-three Xes which are-dogs,
for-two Ys which are-men :
X bites Y.
7.4) re de poi nanmu ku'o
ci da poi gerku zo'u da batci de
For-two Ys which are-men,
for-three Xes which are-dogs, X bites Y
for although we have now limited the number of men to exactly two, we
end up with an indeterminate number of dogs, from three to six.
The distinction is called a ``scope distinction'': in Example 7.2, ``ci gerku''
is said to have wider scope than ``re nanmu'', and therefore precedes it
in the prenex. In Example 7.4 the reverse is true.
7.5) ci gerku ce'e re nanmu cu batci
nu'i ci gerku re nanmu [nu'u] cu batci
Three dogs [plus] two men, bite.
which picks out two groups, one of three dogs and the other of two men,
and says that every one of the dogs bites each of the men. The second
Lojban version uses forethought; note that ``nu'u'' is an elidable terminator,
and in this case can be freely elided.
7.6) [ro] le ci gerku cu batci [ro] le re nanmu
[All of] the three dogs bite [all of] the two men.
means that each of the dogs specified bites each of the men specified,
for six acts of biting altogether. However, if there is an explicit quantifier
before ``le'' other than ``ro'', the problems of this section reappear.
8. The problem of ``any''
8.1) Anyone who goes to the store, walks across the field.
8.2) ro da poi klama le zarci cu cadzu le foldi
All X such-that-it goes-to the store walks-on the field.
Everyone who goes to the store walks across the field.
8.3) ro da zo'u ganai da klama le zarci
gi cadzu le foldi
For-every X: if X is-a-goer-to the store
then X is-a-walker-on the field.
8.4) I need any box that is bigger than this one.
Example 8.4 does not at all mean that I need every box bigger than this
one, for indeed I do not; I require only one box. But the naive
8.5) mi nitcu da poi tanxe
gi'e bramau ti
I need some-X which is-a-box
and is-bigger-than this-one
does not work either, because it asserts that there really is such a box, as the
prenex paraphrase demonstrates:
8.6) da poi tanxe
gi'e bramau ti zo'u mi nitcu da
There-is-an-X which is-a-box
and is-bigger-than this : I need X.
8.7) mi nitcu lo nu mi ponse
lo tanxe poi bramau ti
I need an event-of I possess
some box(es) which-are bigger-than this-one.
8.8) mi nitcu lo nu da zo'u
da se ponse mi gi'e tanxe
gi'e bramau ti
I need an event-of there-being an-X such-that
X is-possessed-by me and is-a-box
and is-bigger-than this-thing.
8.9) da poi tanxe
gi'e bramau ti zo'u
mi nitcu le nu mi ponse da
There-is-an-X which is-a-box
and is-bigger-than this-one such-that
I need the event-of my possessing X.
8.10) There's a box, bigger than this one, that I need
9. Negation boundaries
9.1) mi na klama le zarci
I [false] go-to the store.
It is false that I go to the store.
I don't go to the store.
9.2) naku zo'u la djan. klama
It is not the case that: John comes.
It is false that: John comes.
9.3) naku de zo'u de zutse
It is not the case that: for some Y, Y sits.
It is false that: for at least one Y, Y sits.
It is false that something sits.
Nothing sits.
9.4) su'ode naku zo'u de zutse
For at least one Y, it is false that: Y sits.
There is something that doesn't sit.
9.5) roda su'ode zo'u da prami de
For every X, there is a Y, such that X loves Y.
Everybody loves at least one thing (each,
not necessarily the same thing).
9.6) su'ode roda zo'u da prami de
There is a Y, such that for each X, X loves Y.
There is at least one particular thing
that is loved by everybody.
9.7) naku roda su'ode zo'u
da prami de
It is false that: for every X, there is a Y, such that:
X loves Y.
It is false that: everybody loves at least one thing.
(At least) someone doesn't love anything.
the negation of Example 9.5, and
9.8) naku su'ode roda zo'u
da prami de
It is false that: there is a Y such that for each X,
X loves Y.
It is false that: there is at least one thing that is
loved by everybody.
There isn't any one thing that everybody loves.
the negation of Example 9.6.
9.9) su'oda naku su'ode zo'u
da prami de
For some X, it is false that: there is a Y such that:
X loves Y.
There is somebody who doesn't love anything.
9.10) rode naku roda zo'u da prami de
For every Y, it is false that: for every X, X loves Y.
For each thing, it is not true that everybody loves it.
9.11) su'oda rode naku zo'u
da prami de
There is an X such that, for every Y,
it is false that X loves Y.
There is someone who, for each thing,
doesn't love that thing.
9.12) rode su'oda naku zo'u da prami de
For every Y, there is an X, such that it is false that:
X loves Y.
For each thing there is someone who doesn't love it.
9.13) noda rode zo'u da prami de
There is no X, for every Y, such that X loves Y.
Nobody loves everything.
which is negated by:
9.14) naku noda rode zo'u
da prami de
It is false that: there is no X that, for every Y,
X loves Y.
It is false that there is nobody who loves everything.
9.15) naku naku su'oda rode zo'u
da prami de
It is false that it is false that: for an X, for every Y:
X loves Y.
9.16) su'oda rode zo'u da prami de
There is an X such that, for every Y, X loves Y.
At least one person loves everything.
which is clearly the desired contradiction of Example 9.13.
10. bridi negation and logical connectives
10.1) mi .e do klama ti
I and you come here.
can be expanded to:
10.2) mi klama ti .ije do klama ti
I come here, and, you come here.
10.3) mi .enai do prami roda
I, and not you, love everything.
expands to:
10.4) mi prami roda .ijenai do prami roda
I love everything, and-not, you love everything.
and then into prenex form as:
10.5) roda zo'u mi prami da
.ije naku zo'u do prami da
For each thing: I love it,
and it is false that you love (the same) it.
10.6) su'oda zo'u mi prami da
.ije naku zo'u do prami da
For at least one thing: I love that thing.
And it is false that: you love that (same) thing.
There is something that I love that you don't.
11. Using ``naku'' outside a prenex
11.1) Some children do not go to school.
11.2) su'oda poi verba
na klama su'ode poi ckule
At-least-one X which-are child(ren)
[false] go-to at-least-one Y which-are school(s).
which converts to the external negation:
11.3) naku zo'u su'oda poi verba
cu klama su'ode poi ckule
It is false that some which are children
go-to some which are schools.
All children don't go to some school
(not just some children).
11.4) su'oda poi verba naku klama
su'ode poi ckule
Some which-are children don't go-to
some which-are schools.
Some children don't go to a school.