Examples Index


A gives B to C, lerfu words as pro-sumti
A gives BC, lerfu words as pro-sumti
A loves B, lerfu words as pro-sumti
ABC base 16, Non-decimal and compound bases
Abraham Lincoln, Truth questions and connective questions
Acer, fu'ivla
addition problems, Other kinds of simple selbri
afraid of horse, Relative clauses and descriptors
after sleep, Propositional attitude indicators, Propositional attitude indicators, Propositional attitude indicators, Propositional attitude indicators, Propositional attitude indicators
aleph null, Special numbers
Alexander Pavlovitch Kuznetsov, lerfu words as pro-sumti
all-th, Special mekso selbri
always and everywhere, Space interval modifiers: FEhE
American dollars, Computerized character codes
Amsterdam, Buffering Of Consonant Clusters
and earlier, Tenses, modals, and logical connection
and simultaneously, Tenses, modals, and logical connection
and then, Tensed logical connectives, Tensed logical connectives, Tensed logical connectives, Tenses, modals, and logical connection, Tenses, modals, and logical connection, Tenses, modals, and logical connection
anyone who goes
walks, The problem of “any”
Appassionata, Modal relative phrases; Comparison, Modal relative phrases; Comparison, Modal relative phrases; Comparison, Modal relative phrases; Comparison
approximately 40, Approximation and inexact numbers
Armstrong, Syllabication And Stress
Arnold, cmene
Artur Rubenstein, Modal relative phrases; Comparison, Modal relative phrases; Comparison, Modal relative phrases; Comparison
assumption, Evidentials
at least, Approximation and inexact numbers
at least two, Approximation and inexact numbers
at most, Approximation and inexact numbers
at most two, Approximation and inexact numbers
attend school, Interval properties: TAhE and roi
Avon, Modal tags: BAI


bear wrote story, The three basic description types
Bears wrote book, Individuals and masses
beautiful dog, The sumti di'u and la'e di'u
beefsteak, Eliding KE and KEhE rafsi from lujvo
Beethoven, Modal relative phrases; Comparison, Modal relative phrases; Comparison, Modal relative phrases; Comparison
beetle, Dependent places
being alive, Types of event abstractions
better, Comparatives and superlatives
between Dresden and Frankfurt, Interval connectives and forethought non-logical connection, Interval connectives and forethought non-logical connection, Interval connectives and forethought non-logical connection
bicycle race, Minor abstraction types
big boat, lujvo
big nose, What are you pointing at?
big nose-pores, What are you pointing at?
big person, What are you pointing at?
big red dog, Logical connection within tanru
Bill Clinton, The meaning of tanru: a necessary detour
as sad, Miscellaneous indicators
blue and red, Non-logical connectives
blue house, Conversion: SE, Logical connection within tanru, Logical connection within tanru
blue-eyed, Eliding SE rafsi from tertau
boat sailed, Tenses as sumti tcita
bomb destroyed fifty miles, Interval connectives and forethought non-logical connection
bone bread, Buffering Of Consonant Clusters
Boston from Atlanta, Standard bridi form: cu
both dogs, Indefinite numbers
bovine, Eliding KE and KEhE rafsi from lujvo
breathe, Tenses, modals, and logical connection
brie, fu'ivla
Brooklyn, Linked sumti: be-bei-be'o
brothers, Non-logical connectives, Non-logical connectives, Non-logical connectives, Non-logical connectives
John, cmene, cmene
Bulgarian, fu'ivla, fu'ivla, fu'ivla
butter is soft, Individuals and masses
social, tanru


eat in airplane, Movement in space: MOhI
eat themselves, Indefinite numbers
eight out of ten, Special mekso selbri
empathy, Attitude questions; empathy; attitude contours
engineering, Some simple Lojban bridi
Englishman in Africa, Individuals and masses
enough currency, Indefinite numbers
enough-th, Special mekso selbri
ete, Accent marks and compound lerfu words
everybody loves something, Negation boundaries
everything breathes, Restricted claims: da poi
everything loves everything, Universal claims
everything sees me, Universal claims
everything sees something, Universal claims
except from 10 to 12, Interval connectives and forethought non-logical connection
experienced, Evidentials


katakana, Alien alphabets
Kate, cmene
Katrina, cmene
kept on too long, Event contours: ZAhO and re'u
killing Jim, Types of event abstractions
kissing Jane, Event abstraction
know, Predication/sentence abstraction
know who, Indirect questions
Korean, fu'ivla, fu'ivla


said John, Parenthesis and metalinguistic commentary: TO, TOI, SEI, Parenthesis and metalinguistic commentary: TO, TOI, SEI, Parenthesis and metalinguistic commentary: TO, TOI, SEI, Parenthesis and metalinguistic commentary: TO, TOI, SEI
salad ingredients, Space interval modifiers: FEhE
scale of redness, Special mekso selbri
school building, Dependent places
schooner, Lojban content words: brivla
see with eye, Modal selbri
see with left eye, Modal places: FIhO, FEhU
set of all rats, Special mekso selbri
set of rats, sumti qualifiers, sumti qualifiers, sumti qualifiers
shell worm, Eliding KE and KEhE rafsi from lujvo
shellfish, Eliding KE and KEhE rafsi from lujvo
Sherman tank, rafsi
ship sank, Attitude questions; empathy; attitude contours
shook stick, What are pro-sumti and pro-bridi? What are they for?, What are pro-sumti and pro-bridi? What are they for?
Simon says, Utterance pro-sumti: the di'u-series
simultaneously, Tenses, modals, and logical connection
singular me, Special mekso selbri
sister pregnant, Discursives, Discursives
six-shooter, Sub-events
sneak in, Eliding KE and KEhE rafsi from lujvo
snow falls, Tenses as sumti tcita
snowball's chance, Special mekso selbri
social butterfly, tanru
Socrates, Modal sentence connection: the causals
some do not go to school, Using naku outside a prenex
some relationship, selbri variables
somebody loves self, Existential claims, prenexes, and variables
somebody loves somebody, Existential claims, prenexes, and variables
somebody's dog, Existential claims, prenexes, and variables
something is loved by everybody, Negation boundaries
something sees everything, Universal claims
something sees me, Existential claims, prenexes, and variables, Variables with generalized quantifiers
south face, Space interval modifiers: FEhE
sow grain, Space interval modifiers: FEhE
sowed grain, Tense questions: cu'e
spaghetti, fu'ivla
SQL, Acronyms
Steven Mark Jones, lerfu words as pro-sumti
stroke cat then rabbit, Tensed logical connectives, Tensed logical connectives, Tensed logical connectives
the, cmene
supper, rafsi
Susan, Parenthesis and metalinguistic commentary: TO, TOI, SEI
syllabic pronunciations of consonants
in fu'ivla, fu'ivla, fu'ivla, fu'ivla, fu'ivla, fu'ivla, fu'ivla, fu'ivla, fu'ivla, fu'ivla, fu'ivla, fu'ivla
in fu'ivla category attachment, fu'ivla, fu'ivla, fu'ivla, fu'ivla, fu'ivla, fu'ivla, fu'ivla, fu'ivla, fu'ivla, fu'ivla, fu'ivla
variants of, Syllabication And Stress


Take care!, Vocatives and commands
Talk!, Vocatives and commands
talker, tanru
taller, The concept of the bridi
tan(pi/2) = infinity, Using Lojban resources within mekso
Sherman, rafsi
the destination, Conversion: SE
the go-er, Conversion: SE
The men are women, The three basic description types
the two of you, sumti-based descriptions, sumti-based descriptions
thingy, Assignable pro-sumti and pro-bridi: the ko'a-series and the broda-series
this boat, Demonstrative pro-sumti: the ti-series, Demonstrative pro-sumti: the ti-series, Demonstrative pro-sumti: the ti-series
three bears, sumti-based descriptions, sumti-based descriptions, sumti-based descriptions
three cats white
and two big, A few notes on variables
three dogs bite two men, Grouping of quantifiers
Three Kings, selbri based on sumti: me
three of four people, Logical and non-logical connectives within mekso
three or four people, Logical and non-logical connectives within mekso
three rats, Special mekso selbri
title of book, sumti qualifiers, sumti qualifiers
to movie
office: example, Tagging places: FA
to-do list, More about non-logical connectives
tomorrow, lujvo with more than two parts.
too long, Event contours: ZAhO and re'u, Tenses as sumti tcita
toward her right, Movement in space: MOhI
toward my right, Movement in space: MOhI
transfinite cardinal, Special numbers
traveling salesperson, Modal tags: BAI
try the door, Lojban sumti raising
try to go, Inversion of tanru: co
twice today, Tenses as sumti tcita
two brothers, Other kinds of simple selbri
two dogs are white, Quantified descriptions
typical Englishman, Descriptors for typical objects
typical Lojban user, Masses and sets