la meilis. se prami mi ("Mei Li is loved by me.")
le jipci cu se catra le mlatu ("The bird is killed by the cat.")
le mlatu cu se vecnu la mari,as.
("The cat is sold by Maria." You now need cu, to
prevent mlatu and se vecnu
running together into the one tanru.)
la .iulias. se dunda la mari,as. la klaudias.
("Julia is given by Maria to Claudia." As the third place, la
klaudias. is unaffected by the conversion, and stays where it is.)
zo'e se vecnu la mari,as. la tim.
("Something is sold by Maria to Tim." The same holds for the third place here as in the previous
[zo'e] se fanva la fits.djerald. le glico
("[Something] is translated by Fitzgerald into English." The original sentence has an empty
x2 place; so there is nothing there to swap with x1. But of course,
when a sumti is left out, you can assume its value to be
zo'e — which you can still leave out even after conversion. And now that
there is an explicit x2 place there, you don't need fi
any more to introduce the x3 place.)
la bast,n. se klama fu le karce ("Boston is gone to by car.")
lenu tivni la SEsamis.strit. cu se tcika li ze
("The broadcasting of Sesame Street is at the time
7:00." The cu is actually
necessary, here, even though it follows a cmene; can you work out why?)
lenu loi kabri cu se vecnu zo'e la .iulias. cu se nelci la klaudias.
("That cups are sold by someone to Julia is liked by Claudia; cups being sold to Julia is something Claudia
lenu lenu se cliva la meiris. [cu] se tcika li paso cu se nelci la tim.
("The fact that [something] being left by Mary is at the time 19:00 is liked by Tim; [the place] being left by Mary at 19:00
is something Tim likes." Yes, I know it's horrible.)