See also * ((Misleading Gismu Keywords)) * ((Misleading Gismu Definitions)) * ((Inconsistent Gismu Place Structures Gotcha)) * ((Bloated Gismu Syndrome)) * ((gismu that are hard to decipher)) ---- __xruti__ was supposed to [|be made non-agentive] at some point, but it never was. I don't know whether that constitutes an erratum. In any case, I always use it non-agentively. --mi'e ((xorxes)) __sakta__: {sakybasti} should be {satybasti}. __lanbi__ appears to have a missing x3 for the amino acid sequence. __gugde__: "ethos" should be "ethnos". __jalra__: {sanjalra} should be {snajalra} (what the jvoste says) or {sagjalra}.